Source code for linalg.svd_rsvd

import numpy as np
import torch

def safe_inverse(x, epsilon=1E-12):
    return x/(x**2 + epsilon)

[docs]class RSVD(torch.autograd.Function):
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(self, M, k, p = 20, q = 2, s = 1, vnum = 1): r""" :param M: input matrix :param k: desired rank :param p: oversampling rank. Total rank sampled ``k+p`` :param q: number of matrix-vector multiplications for power scheme :param s: reorthogonalization :param vnum: ??? :type M: torch.tensor :type k: int :type p: int :type q: int :type s: int :type vnum: int :return: approximate leading k left eigenvectors U, singular values S, and right eigenvectors V :rtype: torch.tensor, torch.tensor, torch.tensor Performs approximate truncated SVD using randomized sampling. Based on the implementation in """ # get dims - torch.size() -> [rows, columns] m = list(M.size())[0] n = list(M.size())[1] r = min(m,n) # setup mats l = k + p U = torch.zeros((m,l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) S = torch.zeros(l, dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) V = torch.zeros((n,l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) # build random matrix - with entries drawn from normal distribution RN = torch.randn((n, l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) # multiply RN by M to get matrix of random samples Y Y =, RN) # now build up (M M^T)^q R Z = torch.zeros((n,l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) Yorth = torch.zeros((m,l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) Zorth = torch.zeros((n,l), dtype=M.dtype, device=M.device) for j in range(1,q): # printf("M M^T mult j=%d of %d\n", j, q-1); if (2*j-2) % s == 0: # printf("orthogonalize Y..\n"); Yorth, r = torch.qr(Y) # printf("Z = M'*Yorth..\n"); Z =,1),Yorth) else: # printf("Z = M'*Y..\n"); Z =,1),Y) if (2*j-1) % s == 0: # printf("orthogonalize Z..\n"); Zorth, r = torch.qr(Z) # printf("Y = M*Zorth..\n"); Y =,Zorth) else: # printf("Y = M*Z..\n"); Y =,Z) # orthogonalize on exit from loop to get Q = m x l Q, r = torch.qr(Y) # either QR of B^T method, or eigendecompose BB^T method if (vnum == 1 or vnum > 2): # printf("using QR of B^T method\n"); # form Bt = Mt*Q : nxm * mxl = nxl # printf("form Bt..\n"); Bt =,1),Q); # compute QR factorization of Bt # M is mxn ; Q is mxn ; R is min(m,n) x min(m,n) */ # printf("doing QR..\n"); ### compact_QR_factorization(Bt,Qhat,Rhat); Qhat, Rhat = torch.qr(Bt) # compute SVD of Rhat (lxl) # printf("doing SVD..\n"); # torch.svd M -> U, S, V such that M = U S V^T Uhat, S, Vhat_trans = torch.svd(Rhat) Vhat_trans = Vhat_trans.transpose(0,1) # U = Q*Vhat_trans # printf("form U..\n"); U =,Vhat_trans.transpose(0,1)) # V = Qhat*Uhat # printf("form V..\n"); V =,Uhat) # resize matrices to rank k from beginning # printf("resize mats\n"); # U m x l -> m x k U = U[:, :k] # V m x l -> n x k V = V[:, :k] # S l x l -> k x k S = S[:k] self.save_for_backward(U, S, V) return U, S, V
# TODO This is not a ``correct'' backward
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(self, dU, dS, dV): U, S, V = self.saved_tensors Vt = V.t() Ut = U.t() M = U.size(0) N = V.size(0) NS = len(S) F = (S - S[:, None]) F = safe_inverse(F) F.diagonal().fill_(0) G = (S + S[:, None]) G.diagonal().fill_(np.inf) G = 1/G UdU = Ut @ dU VdV = Vt @ dV Su = (F+G)*(UdU-UdU.t())/2 Sv = (F-G)*(VdV-VdV.t())/2 dA = U @ (Su + Sv + torch.diag(dS)) @ Vt if (M>NS): dA = dA + (torch.eye(M, dtype=dU.dtype, device=dU.device) - U@Ut) @ (dU/S) @ Vt if (N>NS): dA = dA + (U/S) @ dV.t() @ (torch.eye(N, dtype=dU.dtype, device=dU.device) - V@Vt) return dA, None