Generic iPEPS

Class describes iPEPS with rectangular unit cell, together with convenience functions for reading and writing such iPEPS from and into (json) files.

class ipeps.ipeps.IPEPS(sites, vertexToSite=None, lX=None, lY=None, peps_args=<config.PEPSARGS object>, global_args=<config.GLOBALARGS object>)[source]
  • sites (dict[tuple(int,int) : torch.tensor]) – map from elementary unit cell to on-site tensors

  • vertexToSite (function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int)) – function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell

  • lX (int) – length of the elementary unit cell in X direction

  • lY (int) – length of the elementary unit cell in Y direction

  • peps_args (PEPSARGS) – ipeps configuration

  • global_args (GLOBALARGS) – global configuration

Member sites is a dictionary of non-equivalent on-site tensors indexed by tuple of coordinates (x,y) within the elementary unit cell. The index-position convetion for on-site tensors is defined as follows:

   u s 
l--a--r  <=> a[s,u,l,d,r]

where s denotes physical index, and u,l,d,r label four principal directions up, left, down, right in anti-clockwise order starting from up. Member vertexToSite is a mapping function from any vertex (x,y) on a square lattice passed in as tuple(int,int) to a corresponding vertex within elementary unit cell.

On-site tensor of an IPEPS object wfc at vertex (x,y) is conveniently accessed through the member function site, which internally uses vertexToSite mapping:

coord= (0,0)

By combining the appropriate vertexToSite mapping function with elementary unit cell specified through sites, various tilings of a square lattice can be achieved:

# Example 1: 1-site translational iPEPS

sites={(0,0): a}
def vertexToSite(coord):
    return (0,0)
wfc= IPEPS(sites,vertexToSite)

# resulting tiling:
# y\x -2 -1 0 1 2
# -2   a  a a a a
# -1   a  a a a a
#  0   a  a a a a
#  1   a  a a a a
# Example 2: 2-site bipartite iPEPS

sites={(0,0): a, (1,0): b}
def vertexToSite(coord):
    x = (coord[0] + abs(coord[0]) * 2) % 2
    y = abs(coord[1])
    return ((x + y) % 2, 0)
wfc= IPEPS(sites,vertexToSite)

# resulting tiling:
# y\x -2 -1 0 1 2
# -2   A  b a b a
# -1   B  a b a b
#  0   A  b a b a
#  1   B  a b a b

# Example 3: iPEPS with 3x2 unit cell with PBC 

sites={(0,0): a, (1,0): b, (2,0): c, (0,1): d, (1,1): e, (2,1): f}
wfc= IPEPS(sites,lX=3,lY=2)

# resulting tiling:
# y\x -2 -1 0 1 2
# -2   b  c a b c
# -1   e  f d e f
#  0   b  c a b c
#  1   e  f d e f

where in the last example a default setting for vertexToSite is used, which maps square lattice into elementary unit cell of size lX x lY assuming periodic boundary conditions (PBC) along both X and Y directions.


noise (float) – magnitude of the noise

Take IPEPS and add random uniform noise with magnitude noise to all on-site tensors


coord (tuple(int,int)) – tuple (x,y) specifying vertex on a square lattice


on-site tensor corresponding to the vertex (x,y)

Return type


ipeps.ipeps.extend_bond_dim(state, new_d)[source]
  • state (IPEPS) – wavefunction to modify

  • new_d (int) – new enlarged auxiliary bond dimension


wavefunction with enlarged auxiliary bond dimensions

Return type


Take IPEPS and enlarge all auxiliary bond dimensions of all on-site tensors up to size new_d

ipeps.ipeps.read_ipeps(jsonfile, vertexToSite=None, aux_seq=[0, 1, 2, 3], peps_args=<config.PEPSARGS object>, global_args=<config.GLOBALARGS object>)[source]
  • jsonfile (str or Path object) – input file describing iPEPS in json format

  • vertexToSite (function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int)) – function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell

  • aux_seq (list[int]) – array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in jsonfile

  • peps_args (PEPSARGS) – ipeps configuration

  • global_args (GLOBALARGS) – global configuration



Return type


A simple PBC vertexToSite function is used by default

Parameter aux_seq defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:

1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3]

for alternative order, eg.

0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 
ipeps.ipeps.write_ipeps(state, outputfile, aux_seq=[0, 1, 2, 3], tol=1e-14, normalize=False)[source]
  • state (IPEPS) – wavefunction to write out in json format

  • outputfile – target file

  • aux_seq (list[int]) – array specifying order in which the auxiliary indices of on-site tensors will be stored in the outputfile

  • tol (float) – minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out

  • normalize (bool) – if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing

Parameter aux_seq defines the order of auxiliary indices relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch in which the tensor elements are written out:

1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3]

for alternative order, eg.

0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 