Source code for optim.lbfgs_modified

from math import sqrt
import torch
from functools import reduce
from torch.optim.lbfgs import LBFGS, _strong_wolfe
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# from
def _scalar_search_armijo(phi, phi0, derphi0, args=(), c1=1e-4, alpha0=1, amin=1.0e-8):
    """Minimize over alpha, the function ``phi(alpha)``.
    Uses the interpolation algorithm (Armijo backtracking) as suggested by
    Wright and Nocedal in 'Numerical Optimization', 1999, pp. 56-57
    alpha > 0 is assumed to be a descent direction.
    """"LS expected phi: {phi0+c1*alpha0*derphi0} (derphi0: {derphi0})") 
    phi_a0 = phi(alpha0, *args)
    if phi_a0 <= phi0 + c1*alpha0*derphi0:
        return alpha0, phi_a0

    # Otherwise, compute the minimizer of a quadratic interpolant:

    alpha1 = -(derphi0) * alpha0**2 / 2.0 / (phi_a0 - phi0 - derphi0 * alpha0)
    phi_a1 = phi(alpha1, *args)

    if (phi_a1 <= phi0 + c1*alpha1*derphi0):
        return alpha1, phi_a1

    # Otherwise, loop with cubic interpolation until we find an alpha which
    # satisfies the first Wolfe condition (since we are backtracking, we will
    # assume that the value of alpha is not too small and satisfies the second
    # condition.

    while alpha1 > amin:       # we are assuming alpha>0 is a descent direction
        factor = alpha0**2 * alpha1**2 * (alpha1-alpha0)
        a = alpha0**2 * (phi_a1 - phi0 - derphi0*alpha1) - \
            alpha1**2 * (phi_a0 - phi0 - derphi0*alpha0)
        a = a / factor
        b = -alpha0**3 * (phi_a1 - phi0 - derphi0*alpha1) + \
            alpha1**3 * (phi_a0 - phi0 - derphi0*alpha0)
        b = b / factor

        alpha2 = (-b + sqrt(abs(b**2 - 3 * a * derphi0))) / (3.0*a)
        phi_a2 = phi(alpha2, *args)

        if (phi_a2 <= phi0 + c1*alpha2*derphi0):
            return alpha2, phi_a2

        if (alpha1 - alpha2) > alpha1 / 2.0 or (1 - alpha2/alpha1) < 0.96:
            alpha2 = alpha1 / 2.0

        alpha0 = alpha1
        alpha1 = alpha2
        phi_a0 = phi_a1
        phi_a1 = phi_a2

    # Failed to find a suitable step length
    return None, phi_a1

[docs]class LBFGS_MOD(LBFGS): r""" Extends the original steepest gradient descent of PyTorch [`torch.optim.LBFGS <>`_] with optional backtracking linesearch. The linesearch implementation is adapted from scipy [`scipy.optimize.linesearch <>`_] and relies only on the value of the loss function, not derivatives. """ def __init__(self, params, lr=1, max_iter=20, max_eval=None, tolerance_grad=1e-7, tolerance_change=1e-9, history_size=100, line_search_fn=None, line_search_eps=1.0e-4): r""" Args: lr : float learning rate max_iter : int maximal number of iterations per optimization step max_eval : int maximal number of function evaluations per optimization step (default: max_iter * 1.25). tolerance_grad : float termination tolerance on first order optimality tolerance_change : float termination tolerance on function value/parameter changes. history_size : int update history size. line_search_fn : str either 'strong_wolfe' or ``None``. line_search_eps : float minimal step size """ super(LBFGS_MOD, self).__init__( params, lr=lr, max_iter=max_iter, max_eval=max_eval, tolerance_grad=tolerance_grad, tolerance_change=tolerance_change, history_size=history_size, line_search_fn=line_search_fn) # TODO for each param group ? assert len(self.param_groups) == 1 group = self.param_groups[0] group["line_search_eps"]= line_search_eps def _directional_evaluate_derivative_free(self, closure, t, x, d): self._add_grad(t, d) with torch.no_grad(): orig_loss= closure(True) loss= float(orig_loss) self._set_param(x) return loss def _directional_evaluate(self, closure, x, t, d): self._add_grad(t, d) with torch.enable_grad(): loss = float(closure(linesearching=True)) flat_grad = self._gather_flat_grad() self._set_param(x) return loss, flat_grad
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def step_2c(self, closure, closure_linesearch): """Performs a single optimization step. Args: closure (callable): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. closure_linesearch (callable): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss in torch.no_grad context """ assert len(self.param_groups) == 1 # Make sure the closure is always called with grad enabled closure = torch.enable_grad()(closure) group = self.param_groups[0] lr = group['lr'] max_iter = group['max_iter'] max_eval = group['max_eval'] tolerance_grad = group['tolerance_grad'] tolerance_change = group['tolerance_change'] line_search_fn = group['line_search_fn'] line_search_eps= group['line_search_eps'] history_size = group['history_size'] # NOTE: LBFGS has only global state, but we register it as state for # the first param, because this helps with casting in load_state_dict state = self.state[self._params[0]] state.setdefault('func_evals', 0) state.setdefault('n_iter', 0) # evaluate initial f(x) and df/dx with torch.enable_grad(): orig_loss = closure() loss = float(orig_loss) current_evals = 1 state['func_evals'] += 1 flat_grad = self._gather_flat_grad() is_complex= flat_grad.is_complex() opt_cond = flat_grad.abs().max() <= tolerance_grad # optimal condition if opt_cond: return orig_loss # tensors cached in state (for tracing) d = state.get('d') t = state.get('t') old_dirs = state.get('old_dirs') old_stps = state.get('old_stps') ro = state.get('ro') H_diag = state.get('H_diag') prev_flat_grad = state.get('prev_flat_grad') prev_loss = state.get('prev_loss') n_iter = 0 # optimize for a max of max_iter iterations while n_iter < max_iter: # keep track of nb of iterations n_iter += 1 state['n_iter'] += 1 ############################################################ # compute gradient descent direction ############################################################ if state['n_iter'] == 1: d = flat_grad.neg() old_dirs = [] old_stps = [] ro = [] H_diag = 1 else: # do lbfgs update (update memory) y = flat_grad.sub(prev_flat_grad) s = d.mul(t) ys = torch.real(y.conj().dot(s)) if is_complex else if ys > 1e-10: # updating memory if len(old_dirs) == history_size: # shift history by one (limited-memory) old_dirs.pop(0) old_stps.pop(0) ro.pop(0) # store new direction/step old_dirs.append(y) old_stps.append(s) ro.append(1. / ys) # update scale of initial Hessian approximation H_diag = ys / y.conj().dot(y) if is_complex else ys / # compute the approximate (L-BFGS) inverse Hessian # multiplied by the gradient num_old = len(old_dirs) if 'al' not in state: state['al'] = [None] * history_size al = state['al'] # iteration in L-BFGS loop collapsed to use just one buffer q = flat_grad.neg() if is_complex: for i in range(num_old - 1, -1, -1): al[i] = torch.real(old_stps[i].conj().dot(q)) * ro[i] q.add_(old_dirs[i], alpha=-al[i]) else: for i in range(num_old - 1, -1, -1): al[i] = old_stps[i].dot(q) * ro[i] q.add_(old_dirs[i], alpha=-al[i]) # multiply by initial Hessian # r/d is the final direction d = r = torch.mul(q, H_diag) if is_complex: for i in range(num_old): be_i = torch.real(old_dirs[i].conj().dot(r)) * ro[i] r.add_(old_stps[i], alpha=al[i] - be_i) else: for i in range(num_old): be_i = old_dirs[i].dot(r) * ro[i] r.add_(old_stps[i], alpha=al[i] - be_i) if prev_flat_grad is None: prev_flat_grad = flat_grad.clone(memory_format=torch.contiguous_format) else: prev_flat_grad.copy_(flat_grad) prev_loss = loss ############################################################ # compute step length ############################################################ # reset initial guess for step size if state['n_iter'] == 1: t = min(1., 1. / flat_grad.abs().sum()) * lr else: t = lr # directional derivative gtd = torch.real(flat_grad.conj().dot(d)) if is_complex else # directional derivative is below tolerance if gtd > -tolerance_change: break # optional line search: user function ls_func_evals = 0 if line_search_fn is not None and line_search_fn != "default": # perform line search, using user function if line_search_fn == "backtracking": x_init = self._clone_param() def obj_func(t, x, d): return self._directional_evaluate_derivative_free(closure_linesearch, t, x, d) # return (xmin, fval, iter, funcalls) t, loss= _scalar_search_armijo(obj_func, loss, gtd, args=(x_init,d), alpha0=t) if t is None: raise RuntimeError("minimize_scalar failed") elif line_search_fn == "strong_wolfe": x_init = self._clone_param() def obj_func(x, t, d): return self._directional_evaluate(closure, x, t, d) loss, flat_grad, t, ls_func_evals = _strong_wolfe( obj_func, x_init, t, d, loss, flat_grad, gtd) else: raise RuntimeError("unsupported line search")"LS final step: {t}") self._add_grad(t, d) opt_cond = flat_grad.abs().max() <= tolerance_grad else: # no line search, simply move with fixed-step self._add_grad(t, d) if n_iter != max_iter: # re-evaluate function only if not in last iteration # the reason we do this: in a stochastic setting, # no use to re-evaluate that function here with torch.enable_grad(): loss = float(closure()) flat_grad = self._gather_flat_grad() opt_cond = flat_grad.abs().max() <= tolerance_grad ls_func_evals = 1 # update func eval current_evals += ls_func_evals state['func_evals'] += ls_func_evals ############################################################ # check conditions ############################################################ if n_iter == max_iter: break if current_evals >= max_eval: break # optimal condition if opt_cond: break # lack of progress if d.mul(t).abs().max() <= tolerance_change: break if abs(loss - prev_loss) < tolerance_change: break state['d'] = d state['t'] = t state['old_dirs'] = old_dirs state['old_stps'] = old_stps state['ro'] = ro state['H_diag'] = H_diag state['prev_flat_grad'] = prev_flat_grad state['prev_loss'] = prev_loss return orig_loss