Source code for linalg.eig_arnoldi

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as Functional
    import scipy.sparse.linalg
    from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
    print("Warning: Missing scipy. ARNOLDISVD is not available.")

[docs]class SYMARNOLDI(torch.autograd.Function):
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(self, M, k): r""" :param M: square symmetric matrix :math:`N \times N` :param k: desired rank (must be smaller than :math:`N`) :type M: torch.tensor :type k: int :return: eigenvalues D, leading k eigenvectors U :rtype: torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor **Note:** `depends on scipy` Return leading k-eigenpairs of a matrix M, where M is symmetric :math:`M=M^\dagger`, by computing the symmetric decomposition :math:`M= UDU^\dagger` up to rank k. Partial eigendecomposition is done through Arnoldi method. """ # input validation (M is square and symmetric) is provided by # the scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh # get M as numpy ndarray and wrap back to torch # allow for mat-vec ops to be carried out on GPU def mv(v): V= torch.as_tensor(v,dtype=M.dtype,device=M.device) V=,V) return V.detach().cpu().numpy() M_nograd= LinearOperator(M.size(), matvec=mv) D, U= scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(M_nograd, k=k) D= torch.as_tensor(D) U= torch.as_tensor(U) # reorder the eigenpairs by the largest magnitude of eigenvalues absD, p= torch.sort(torch.abs(D),descending=True) D= D[p] U= U[:,p] if M.is_cuda: U= D= self.save_for_backward(D, U) return D, U
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(self, dD, dU): r""" The backward is not implemented. """ raise Exception("backward not implemented") D, U= self.saved_tensors dA= None return dA, None
def test_SYMARNOLDI_random(): m= 50 k= 10 M= torch.rand(m, m, dtype=torch.float64) M= 0.5*(M+M.t()) D0, U0= torch.symeig(M) absD0,p= torch.sort(torch.abs(D0),descending=True) D,U= SYMARNOLDI.apply(M,k) # |M|=\sqrt{Tr(MM^t)}=\sqrt{Tr(D^2)} => # |M-US_kV^t|=\sqrt{Tr(D^2)-Tr(S^2)}=\sqrt{\sum_i>k D^2_i} assert( torch.norm(M-U@torch.diag(D)@U.t())-torch.sqrt(torch.sum(absD0[k:]**2)) < absD0[0]*(m**2)*1e-14 ) class ARNOLDI(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(self, M, k, v0, dtype, device): r""" :param M_op: numpy linear operator with defined matrix-vector multiplication function mv(v)->v or torch.Tensor :param M: square matrix :math:`N \times N` :param k: desired rank (must be smaller than :math:`N`) :param v0: initial vector :type M_op: scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator or torch.Tensor :type M: torch.Tensor :type k: int :type v0: torch.Tensor :return: leading k eigenvalues D and (left) eigenvectors U :rtype: torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor **Note:** `depends on scipy` Return leading k-eigenpairs of a matrix M by solving MU=DU problem. """ # input validation is provided by the scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh / # scipy.sparse.linalg.svds # ----- Option 0 if isinstance(M, torch.Tensor): # assume M is a matrix and build LinearOperator dtype=M.dtype device=M.device M_nograd = M.clone().detach() def mv(v): B= torch.as_tensor(v,dtype=M.dtype,device=M.device) B=,B) return B.detach().cpu().numpy() M_op= LinearOperator(M.size(), matvec=mv) else: # otherwise we assume, that M is LinearOperator itself assert dtype is not None,"missing dtype for LinearOperator M" assert device is not None,"missing device for LinearOperator M" M_op=M if v0 is not None: v0_nograd= v0.detach().cpu().numpy() else: v0_nograd= None D_, U_= scipy.sparse.linalg.eigs(M_op, k=k, v0=v0_nograd) # here D, U are complex numpy tensors D= torch.zeros((k,2), dtype=dtype, device=device) D[:,0]= torch.as_tensor(np.real(D_),device=device) D[:,1]= torch.as_tensor(np.imag(D_),device=device) U= torch.zeros((M_op.shape[0],k,2), dtype=dtype, device=device) U[:,:,0]= torch.as_tensor(np.real(U_),device=device) U[:,:,1]= torch.as_tensor(np.imag(U_),device=device) # reorder the eigenpairs by the largest magnitude of eigenvalues Dabs= torch.norm(D,dim=1) Dabs,p= torch.sort(Dabs,descending=True) D= D[p,:] U= U[:,p,:] if device.type==torch.device('cuda').type: U= D= self.save_for_backward(D, U) return D, U @staticmethod def backward(self, dD, dU): r""" The backward is not implemented. """ raise Exception("backward not implemented") D, U = self.saved_tensors dA= None return dA, None, None, None, None def test_ARNOLDI_random(): m= 50 k= 5 M= torch.rand(m, m, dtype=torch.float64) D0, U0= torch.eig(M, eigenvectors=True) D0abs= torch.norm(D0,dim=1) D0abs,p= torch.sort(D0abs,descending=True) D0= D0[p,:] U0= U0[:,p] D, U= ARNOLDI.apply(M,k) # verify spectrum assert( torch.norm(D0[:k,0]-D[:,0])/(D0abs[0]*k)<1.0e-14 ) assert( torch.norm(torch.abs(D0[:k,1])-torch.abs(D[:,1]))/(D0abs[0]*k)<1.0e-14 ) if __name__=='__main__': test_SYMARNOLDI_random() test_ARNOLDI_random()