Source code for ipeps.ipess_kagome

import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import math
import config as cfg
from ipeps.ipeps_kagome import IPEPS_KAGOME
from ipeps.tensor_io import *

[docs]class IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC(IPEPS_KAGOME): def __init__(self, ipess_tensors, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param ipess_tensors: dictionary of five tensors, which make up Kagome iPESS ansatz :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type ipess_tensors: dict(str, torch.tensor) :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS iPESS ansatz for Kagome lattice composes five tensors, specified by dictionary:: ipess_tensors = {'T_u': torch.Tensor, 'T_d': ..., 'B_a': ..., 'B_b': ..., 'B_c': ...} into a single rank-5 on-site tensor of parent IPEPS. These iPESS tensors can be accessed through member ``ipess_tensors``. The ``'B_*'`` are rank-3 tensors, with index structure [p,i,j] where the first index `p` is for physical degree of freedom, while indices `i` and `j` are auxiliary with bond dimension D. These bond tensors reside on corners shared between different triangles of Kagome lattice. Bond tensors are connected by rank-3 trivalent tensors ``'T_u'``, ``'T_d'`` on up and down triangles respectively. Trivalent tensors have only auxiliary indices of matching bond dimension D. The on-site tensors of corresponding iPEPS is obtained by the following contraction:: 2(d) 2(c) a \ / rot. pi | 0(w)==B_a B_b==0(v) clockwise b--\ \ / => \ 1(l) 1(k) s0--s2--d 2(l) 1(k) | / \ / |/ <- down triangle T_d s1 | | 0(j) c 1(j) | B_c==0(u) | 2(i) 0(i) | T_u / \ 1(a) 2(b) By construction, the degrees of freedom on down triangle are all combined into a single on-site tensor of iPEPS. Instead, DoFs on the upper triangle have to be accessed by construction of 2x2 patch (which is then embedded into environment):: C T T C a a | | T b--\ b--\ \ / \ s0--s2--d s0--s2--d T | / | / |/ |/ s1 s1 | | c c / / a a | | T b--\ b--\ \ / \ s0--s2--d s0--s2--d T | / | / |/ |/ s1 s1 | | c c C T T C """ #TODO verification? self.ipess_tensors= ipess_tensors sites = self.build_onsite_tensors() super().__init__(sites, lX=1, lY=1, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): r""" :return: variational parameters of IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC :rtype: iterable This function is called by optimizer to access variational parameters of the state. In this case member ``ipess_tensors``. """ return self.ipess_tensors.values()
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self): r""" :return: all data necessary to reconstruct the state. In this case member ``ipess_tensors`` :rtype: dict[str: torch.tensor] This function is called by optimizer to create checkpoints during the optimization process. """ return self.ipess_tensors
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_file): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=self.device) self.ipess_tensors= checkpoint["parameters"] for t in self.ipess_tensors.values(): t.requires_grad_(False) self.sites = self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def build_onsite_tensors(self): r""" :return: elementary unit cell of underlying IPEPS :rtype: dict[tuple(int,int): torch.Tensor] Build rank-5 on-site tensor by contracting the iPESS tensors. """ A= torch.einsum('iab,uji,jkl,vkc,wld->uvwabcd', self.ipess_tensors['T_u'], self.ipess_tensors['B_c'], self.ipess_tensors['T_d'], self.ipess_tensors['B_b'], \ self.ipess_tensors['B_a']) total_phys_dim= self.ipess_tensors['B_a'].size(0)*self.ipess_tensors['B_b'].size(0)\ *self.ipess_tensors['B_c'].size(0) A= A.reshape([total_phys_dim]+[self.ipess_tensors['T_u'].size(1), \ self.ipess_tensors['T_u'].size(2), self.ipess_tensors['B_b'].size(2), \ self.ipess_tensors['B_a'].size(2)]) A= A/A.abs().max() sites= {(0, 0): A} return sites
[docs] def add_noise(self, noise): r""" :param noise: magnitude of noise :type noise: float Add uniform random noise to iPESS tensors. """ for k in self.ipess_tensors: rand_t= torch.rand( self.ipess_tensors[k].size(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) self.ipess_tensors[k]= self.ipess_tensors[k] + noise * (rand_t-1.0) self.sites = self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def get_physical_dim(self): assert self.ipess_tensors["B_a"].size(0)==self.ipess_tensors["B_b"].size(0) and \ self.ipess_tensors["B_b"].size(0)==self.ipess_tensors["B_c"].size(0),\ "Different physical dimensions across iPESS bond tensors" return self.ipess_tensors["B_a"].size(0)
def get_aux_bond_dims(self): aux_bond_dims= set() aux_bond_dims= aux_bond_dims | set(self.ipess_tensors["T_u"].size()) \ | set(self.ipess_tensors["T_d"].size()) assert len(aux_bond_dims)==1,"iPESS does not have a uniform aux bond dimension" return list(aux_bond_dims)[0]
[docs] def write_to_file(self, outputfile, aux_seq=None, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" See :meth:`write_ipess_kagome_generic`. """ write_ipess_kagome_generic(self, outputfile, tol=tol, normalize=normalize)
[docs] def extend_bond_dim(self, new_d, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param new_d: new enlarged auxiliary bond dimension :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC :type new_d: int :return: wavefunction with enlarged auxiliary bond dimensions :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC Take IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC and enlarge all auxiliary bond dimensions of ``T_u``, ``T_d``, ``B_a``, ``B_b``, and ``B_c`` tensors to the new size ``new_d``. """ ad= self.get_aux_bond_dims() assert new_d>=ad, "Desired dimension is smaller than current aux dimension" new_ipess_tensors= dict() for k in ['T_u','T_d']: new_ipess_tensors[k]= torch.zeros(new_d,new_d,new_d, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_ipess_tensors[k][:ad,:ad,:ad]= self.ipess_tensors[k] for k in ['B_a','B_b', 'B_c']: new_ipess_tensors[k]= torch.zeros(self.ipess_tensors[k].size(0),new_d,new_d,\ dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_ipess_tensors[k][:,:ad,:ad]= self.ipess_tensors[k] new_state= self.__class__(new_ipess_tensors,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return new_state
[docs]def read_ipess_kagome_generic(jsonfile, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing iPEPS in JSON format` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC Read state from file. """ dtype = global_args.torch_dtype with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,coeffs pairs in the unit cell ipess_tensors= OrderedDict() # legacy if "elem_tensors" in raw_state.keys(): assert set(("UP_T","DOWN_T","BOND_S1","BOND_S2","BOND_S3"))\ ==set(list(raw_state["elem_tensors"].keys())),"missing elementary tensors" keymap={"UP_T": "T_u", "DOWN_T": "T_d", "BOND_S1": "B_c","BOND_S3": "B_a","BOND_S2": "B_b"} for key,t in raw_state["elem_tensors"].items(): ipess_tensors[keymap[key]]= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t)) # default elif "ipess_tensors" in raw_state.keys(): assert set(('T_u','T_d','B_a','B_b','B_c'))==set(list(raw_state["ipess_tensors"].keys())),\ "missing ipess tensors" for key,t in raw_state["ipess_tensors"].items(): ipess_tensors[key]= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t)) else: raise RuntimeError("Not a valid IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC state.") # convert to correct device and/or dtype for key,t in ipess_tensors.items(): ipess_tensors[key]= ipess_tensors[key].to(device=global_args.device,dtype=dtype) state = IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC(ipess_tensors, peps_args=peps_args, \ global_args=global_args) return state
[docs]def write_ipess_kagome_generic(state, outputfile, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" :param state: wavefunction to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type tol: float :type normalize: bool Write state into file. """ #TODO implement cutoff on elements with magnitude below tol json_state = dict({"lX": state.lX, "lY": state.lY, \ "ipess_tensors": {}}) # write list of considered elementary tensors for key, t in state.ipess_tensors.items(): tmp_t= t/t.abs().max() if normalize else t json_state["ipess_tensors"][key]= serialize_bare_tensor_legacy(tmp_t) with open(outputfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_state, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
def read_ipess_kagome_generic_legacy(jsonfile, ansatz="IPESS", peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing iPEPS in json format :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPS_KAGOME Legacy handling of iPESS ansatz. This functions reads input files in convention below and maps them into convention of IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC. coord_kagome - ( 0, 0, x=0(B_a),1(B_b),2(B_c),3(T_d),4(T_u) ) unrestricted (ansatz="IPESS") pg_symmetric (ansatz="IPESS_PG") -- B_a^a_kl B_b^b_mn -- -- B_a^a_kl B_b^b_mn -- \\ / \\ / T_d_lno T_d_lno | | B_c^c_op B_c^c_po | | T_u_pqr T_u_qrp / \\ / \\ where for IPESS_PG, T_d=T_u and B_a=B_b=B_c, where B_a is only symmetric part i.e. B_a = 0.5*(B_a + B_a.permute(0,2,1)). NOTE: in the legacy input files, the B_a contains also anti-symmetric part and hence it needs to be explicitly symmetrized. """ dtype = global_args.torch_dtype with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,coeffs pairs in the unit cell ipess_tensors= OrderedDict() assert "kagome_sites" in raw_state.keys(),"Not a legacy generic iPESS kagome ansatz" kagome_tensors= {} for ts in raw_state["map"]: coord_kagome = (ts["x"],ts["y"],ts["z"]) t = None for s in raw_state["kagome_sites"]: if s["siteId"] == ts["siteId"]: t = s if t == None: raise Exception("Tensor with siteId: "+ts["sideId"]+" NOT FOUND in \"sites\"") if "format" in t.keys(): if t["format"] == "1D": X = torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np(t)) else: # default X = torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t)) kagome_tensors[coord_kagome] =,dtype=dtype) assert len(kagome_tensors)==5, "iPESS ansatz for more than single Kagome unit cell" # unrestricted IPESS if ansatz=="IPESS": ipess_tensors= { 'T_u': kagome_tensors[(0,0,4)].permute(0,2,1).contiguous(), 'T_d': kagome_tensors[(0,0,3)].permute(2,1,0).contiguous(),\ 'B_a': kagome_tensors[(0,0,0)].permute(0,2,1).contiguous(),\ 'B_b': kagome_tensors[(0,0,1)].permute(0,2,1).contiguous(),\ 'B_c': kagome_tensors[(0,0,2)]} state = IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC(ipess_tensors, peps_args=peps_args, \ global_args=global_args) # pg_symmetric IPESS elif ansatz=="IPESS_PG": ipess_tensors= { 'T_u': kagome_tensors[(0,0,4)].permute(2,1,0).contiguous(), 'T_d': kagome_tensors[(0,0,3)].permute(2,1,0).contiguous(),\ 'B_a': 0.5*(kagome_tensors[(0,0,0)] + kagome_tensors[(0,0,0)].permute(0,2,1)).contiguous(),\ 'B_b': 0.5*(kagome_tensors[(0,0,1)] + kagome_tensors[(0,0,1)].permute(0,2,1)).contiguous(),\ 'B_c': 0.5*(kagome_tensors[(0,0,2)] + kagome_tensors[(0,0,2)].permute(0,2,1)).contiguous()} state = IPESS_KAGOME_PG(ipess_tensors['T_u'], ipess_tensors['B_a'], ipess_tensors['T_d'],\ SYM_UP_DOWN=True, SYM_BOND_S=True,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state
[docs]class IPESS_KAGOME_PG(IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC): PG_A1_B= {'T_u': 'A_1', 'T_d': 'A_1', 'B_a': 'B', 'B_b': 'B', 'B_c': 'B'} PG_A2_B= {'T_u': 'A_2', 'T_d': 'A_2', 'B_a': 'B', 'B_b': 'B', 'B_c': 'B'} def __init__(self, T_u, B_c, T_d=None,\ B_a=None, B_b=None,\ SYM_UP_DOWN=True, SYM_BOND_S=True, pgs=None, pg_symmetrize=False,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param T_u: rank-3 tensor :param B_c: rank-3 tensor containing physical degree of freedom :param T_d: rank-3 tensor :param B_a: rank-3 tensor containing physical degree of freedom :param B_b: rank-3 tensor containing physical degree of freedom :param SYM_UP_DOWN: is up triangle equivalent to down triangle :param SYM_BOND_S: are bond tensors equivalent to each other :param pgs: dictionary assigning point-group irreps to elementary tensors :type pgs: dict(str,str) :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type T_u: torch.tensor :type B_c: torch.tensor :type T_u: torch.tensor :type B_a: torch.tensor :type B_b: torch.tensor :type SYM_UP_DOWN: bool :type SYM_BOND_S: bool :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS Single unit-cell iPESS ansatz (3 sites per unit cell) for Kagome lattice with additional spatial symmetries. * If ``SYM_UP_DOWN``, then `T_d` trivalent tensor is taken to be identical to `T_u`. The choice of the contraction guarantees the same (direction of) chirality on up and down triangles. * If ``SYM_BOND_S``, then `B_a` and `B_b` bond tensors are taken to be identical to `B_c`. All non-equivalent tensors can be accessed through member ``elem_tensors``, which is a dictionary:: if SYM_UP_DOWN and SYM_BOND_S elem_tensors = {'T_u': torch.Tensor, 'B_c': torch.Tensor} if SYM_UP_DOWN elem_tensors = {'T_u': torch.Tensor, 'B_c': torch.Tensor, 'B_a': ..., 'B_c': ...} etc. Argument ``pgs`` is assumed to be dictionary, with keys being the names of elementary ipess tensors. Predefined choices are:: IPESS_KAGOME_PG.PG_A1_B= {'T_u': 'A_1', 'T_d': 'A_1', 'B_a': 'B', 'B_b': 'B', 'B_c': 'B'} IPESS_KAGOME_PG.PG_A2_B= {'T_u': 'A_2', 'T_d': 'A_2', 'B_a': 'B', 'B_b': 'B', 'B_c': 'B'} If the elementary tensor is present in the ``pgs``, it is constrained to given irrep of the point group. """ self.SYM_UP_DOWN= SYM_UP_DOWN self.SYM_BOND_S= SYM_BOND_S # default setup self.elem_tensors= OrderedDict({'T_u': T_u,'B_c': B_c}) if not SYM_UP_DOWN: assert isinstance(T_d,torch.Tensor),\ "rank-3 tensor for down triangle must be provided" self.elem_tensors['T_d'] = T_d if not SYM_BOND_S: assert isinstance(B_a,torch.Tensor) and isinstance(B_b,torch.Tensor),\ "rank-3 tensor for bond 1 and bond 2 must be provided" self.elem_tensors['B_a']= B_a self.elem_tensors['B_b']= B_b # PGs if pgs==None: pgs=dict() assert isinstance(pgs,dict) and set(list(pgs.keys()))<=set(['T_u','T_d','B_a','B_b','B_c']),\ "Invalid point-group specification "+str(pgs) self.pgs= pgs if pg_symmetrize: self.elem_tensors= _to_PG_symmetric(self.pgs, self.elem_tensors) ipess_tensors= OrderedDict({ 'T_u': self.elem_tensors['T_u'], 'T_d': self.elem_tensors['T_u'] if SYM_UP_DOWN else self.elem_tensors['T_d'],\ 'B_c': self.elem_tensors['B_c'], 'B_a': self.elem_tensors['B_c'] if SYM_BOND_S else self.elem_tensors['B_a'], 'B_b': self.elem_tensors['B_c'] if SYM_BOND_S else self.elem_tensors['B_b'] }) super().__init__(ipess_tensors, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) def __str__(self): print(f"Equivalent up and down triangle: {self.SYM_UP_DOWN}") print(f"Equivalent bond tensors: {self.SYM_BOND_S}") print(f"Point groups irreps: {self.pgs}") super().__str__() return ""
[docs] def get_parameters(self): r""" :return: variational parameters of IPESS_KAGOME_PG :rtype: iterable This function is called by optimizer to access variational parameters of the state. In this case member ``elem_tensors``. """ return self.elem_tensors.values()
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self): r""" :return: all data necessary to reconstruct the state. In this case member ``elem_tensors`` :rtype: dict[str: torch.tensor] This function is called by optimizer to create checkpoints during the optimization process. """ return self.elem_tensors
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_file): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=self.device) elem_t= checkpoint["parameters"] # legacy handling if "BOND_S" in elem_t.keys() and "UP_T" in elem_t.keys(): self.elem_tensors= {'T_u': elem_t["UP_T"], 'B_c': elem_t["BOND_S"]} if "DOWN_T" in elem_t.keys() and not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: self.elem_tensors['T_d']= elem_t["DOWN_T"] elif "BOND_S1" in elem_t.keys() and "UP_T" in elem_t.keys(): self.elem_tensors= {'T_u': elem_t["UP_T"], 'B_c': elem_t["BOND_S1"]} if "DOWN_T" in elem_t.keys() and not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: self.elem_tensors['T_d']= elem_t["DOWN_T"] if "BOND_S2" in elem_t.keys() and "BOND_S3" in elem_t.keys() and not SYM_BOND_S: self.elem_tensors['B_b']= elem_t["BOND_S2"] self.elem_tensors['B_a']= elem_t["BOND_S3"] else: self.elem_tensors= elem_t # default self.ipess_tensors= {'T_u': self.elem_tensors['T_u'], 'T_d': self.elem_tensors['T_u'], \ 'B_a': self.elem_tensors['B_c'], 'B_b': self.elem_tensors['B_c'], \ 'B_c': self.elem_tensors['B_c']} if not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: self.ipess_tensors['T_d']= self.elem_tensors['T_d'] if not self.SYM_BOND_S: self.ipess_tensors['B_b']= self.elem_tensors['B_b'] self.ipess_tensors['B_a']= self.elem_tensors['B_a'] for t in self.elem_tensors.values(): t.requires_grad_(False) self.sites = self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def add_noise(self, noise): r""" :param noise: magnitude of noise :type noise: float Add uniform random noise to iPESS tensors, respecting the spatial symmetry constraints. """ for k in self.elem_tensors: rand_t= torch.rand( self.elem_tensors[k].size(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) self.elem_tensors[k]= self.elem_tensors[k] + noise * (rand_t-1.0) self.elem_tensors= _to_PG_symmetric(self.pgs, self.elem_tensors) # update parent generic kagome iPESS and invoke reconstruction of on-site tensor # default self.ipess_tensors= {'T_u': self.elem_tensors['T_u'], 'T_d': self.elem_tensors['T_u'],\ 'B_a': self.elem_tensors['B_c'], 'B_b': self.elem_tensors['B_c'],\ 'B_c': self.elem_tensors['B_c']} if not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: self.ipess_tensors['T_d']= self.elem_tensors['T_d'] if not self.SYM_BOND_S: self.ipess_tensors['B_b']= self.elem_tensors['B_b'] self.ipess_tensors['B_a']= self.elem_tensors['B_a'] self.sites = self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def write_to_file(self, outputfile, aux_seq=None, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False,\ pg_symmetrize=True): r""" See :meth:`write_ipess_kagome_pg`. """ write_ipess_kagome_pg(self, outputfile, tol=tol, normalize=normalize,\ pg_symmetrize=pg_symmetrize)
[docs] def extend_bond_dim(self, new_d): r""" :param new_d: new enlarged auxiliary bond dimension :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_PG :type new_d: int :return: wavefunction with enlarged auxiliary bond dimensions :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_PG Take IPESS_KAGOME_PG and enlarge all auxiliary bond dimensions of ipess tensors to the new size ``new_d`` """ ad= self.get_aux_bond_dims() assert new_d>=ad, "Desired dimension is smaller than current aux dimension" new_elem_tensors= dict() new_elem_tensors['T_u']= torch.zeros(new_d,new_d,new_d, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_elem_tensors['T_u'][:ad,:ad,:ad]= self.elem_tensors['T_u'] new_elem_tensors['B_c']= torch.zeros(self.elem_tensors['B_c'].size(0),new_d,new_d,\ dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_elem_tensors['B_c'][:,:ad,:ad]= self.elem_tensors['B_c'] if not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: new_elem_tensors['T_d']= torch.zeros(new_d,new_d,new_d, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_elem_tensors['T_d'][:ad,:ad,:ad]= self.elem_tensors['T_d'] if not self.SYM_BOND_S: new_elem_tensors['B_b']= torch.zeros(self.elem_tensors['B_b'].size(0),new_d,new_d,\ dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_elem_tensors['B_b'][:,:ad,:ad]= self.elem_tensors['B_b'] new_elem_tensors['B_a']= torch.zeros(self.elem_tensors['B_a'].size(0),new_d,new_d,\ dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) new_elem_tensors['B_a'][:,:ad,:ad]= self.elem_tensors['B_a'] new_state= self.__class__(new_elem_tensors['T_u'], new_elem_tensors['B_c'],\ T_d=None if self.SYM_UP_DOWN else new_elem_tensors['T_d'],\ B_a=None if self.SYM_BOND_S else new_elem_tensors['B_a'],\ B_b=None if self.SYM_BOND_S else new_elem_tensors['B_b'],\ SYM_UP_DOWN=self.SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=self.SYM_BOND_S, pgs= self.pgs,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args) return new_state
def _to_PG_symmetric(pgs, elem_ts): pg_elem_ts= OrderedDict(elem_ts) for t_id,pg in pgs.items(): if pg is None: continue # bond-tensors if t_id in ["B_a", "B_b", "B_c"] and t_id in elem_ts.keys(): # A+iB if pg=="A": pg_elem_ts[t_id]= 0.5*(elem_ts[t_id]\ + elem_ts[t_id].permute(0,2,1).conj()) elif pg=="B": # B + iA pg_elem_ts[t_id]= 0.5*(elem_ts[t_id]\ - elem_ts[t_id].permute(0,2,1).conj()) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported point-group "+t_id+" "+pg) # trivalent tensor "up" and "down" if t_id in ["T_u", "T_d"] and t_id in elem_ts.keys(): # A_1 + iA_2 if pg=="A_1": tmp_t= (1./3)*(elem_ts[t_id]\ + elem_ts[t_id].permute(1,2,0)\ + elem_ts[t_id].permute(2,0,1)) tmp_t= 0.5*(tmp_t + tmp_t.permute(0,2,1).conj()) pg_elem_ts[t_id]= tmp_t # A_2 + iA_1 elif pg=="A_2": tmp_t= (1./3)*(elem_ts[t_id]\ + elem_ts[t_id].permute(1,2,0)\ + elem_ts[t_id].permute(2,0,1)) tmp_t= 0.5*(tmp_t - tmp_t.permute(0,2,1).conj()) pg_elem_ts[t_id]= tmp_t else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported point-group "+t_id+" "+pg) return pg_elem_ts
[docs]def to_PG_symmetric(state, SYM_UP_DOWN=None, SYM_BOND_S=None, pgs=None): r""" :param state: wavefunction :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_PG :param SYM_UP_DOWN: make trivalent tensors ``'T_u'`` and ``'T_d'`` identical :type SYM_UP_DOWN: bool :param SYM_BOND_S: make bond tensors ``'B_a'``, ``'B_b'``, and ``'B_c'`` identical :type SYM_BOND_S: bool :param pgs: point group irreps for individual ipess tensors :type pgs: dict[str: str] :return: symmetrized state :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_PG Symmetrize IPESS_KAGOME_PG wavefunction by imposing additional spatial symmetries. """ assert type(state)==IPESS_KAGOME_PG, "Expected IPESS_KAGOME_PG instance" if SYM_UP_DOWN is None: SYM_UP_DOWN= state.SYM_UP_DOWN if SYM_BOND_S is None: SYM_BOND_S= state.SYM_BOND_S if pgs is None: pgs= state.pgs symm_elem_ts= _to_PG_symmetric(pgs, state.elem_tensors) symm_state= state.__class__(symm_elem_ts['T_u'], symm_elem_ts['B_c'],\ T_d=None if SYM_UP_DOWN else symm_elem_ts['T_d'],\ B_a=None if SYM_BOND_S else symm_elem_ts['B_a'],\ B_b=None if SYM_BOND_S else symm_elem_ts['B_b'],\ SYM_UP_DOWN=SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=SYM_BOND_S, pgs= pgs,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args) return symm_state
[docs]def read_ipess_kagome_pg(jsonfile, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing IPESS_KAGOME_PG in json format :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_PG Read IPESS_KAGOME_PG state from file. """ dtype = global_args.torch_dtype with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) SYM_UP_DOWN= True if "SYM_UP_DOWN" in raw_state.keys(): SYM_UP_DOWN= raw_state["SYM_UP_DOWN"] SYM_BOND_S= True if "SYM_BOND_S" in raw_state.keys(): SYM_BOND_S= raw_state["SYM_BOND_S"] pgs=None if "pgs" in raw_state.keys(): # legacy if not isinstance(raw_state["pgs"],dict): pgs= tuple( raw_state["pgs"] ) if pgs==(None,None,None): pgs=None elif pgs==("A_2","A_2","B"): pgs= {"T_u": "A_2", "T_d": "A_2", "B_c": "B", "B_a": "B", "B_b": "B"} else: pgs= raw_state["pgs"] # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,coeffs pairs in the unit cell elem_t= OrderedDict() for key,t in raw_state["elem_tensors"].items(): elem_t[key]= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t))\ .to(dtype=global_args.torch_dtype, device=global_args.device) # legacy if "UP_T" in elem_t.keys() and "BOND_S" in elem_t.keys(): elem_tensors= {'T_u': elem_t["UP_T"], 'B_c': elem_t["BOND_S"]} if "DOWN_T" in elem_t.keys() and not SYM_UP_DOWN: elem_tensors['T_d']= elem_t["DOWN_T"] elif "UP_T" in elem_t.keys() and "BOND_S1" in elem_t.keys(): elem_tensors= {'T_u': elem_t["UP_T"], 'B_c': elem_t["BOND_S1"]} if "DOWN_T" in elem_t.keys() and not SYM_UP_DOWN: elem_tensors['T_d']= elem_t["DOWN_T"] if "BOND_S2" in elem_t.keys() and "BOND_S3" in elem_t.keys() and not SYM_BOND_S: elem_tensors['B_b']= elem_t["BOND_S2"] elem_tensors['B_a']= elem_t["BOND_S3"] else: elem_tensors= elem_t if SYM_UP_DOWN and SYM_BOND_S: assert set(('T_u', 'B_c')) <= set(list(elem_tensors.keys())),\ "missing elementary tensors" elif not SYM_UP_DOWN and SYM_BOND_S: assert set(('T_u', 'B_c', 'T_d')) <= set(list(elem_tensors.keys())),\ "missing elementary tensors" elif SYM_UP_DOWN and not SYM_BOND_S: assert set(('T_u', 'B_c', 'B_b','B_a')) <= set(list(elem_tensors.keys())),\ "missing elementary tensors" else: assert set(('T_u', 'B_c', 'T_d','B_a','B_b')) <= set(list(elem_tensors.keys())),\ "missing elementary tensors" if SYM_UP_DOWN: elem_tensors['T_d']=None if SYM_BOND_S: elem_tensors['B_a']=None elem_tensors['B_b']=None state = IPESS_KAGOME_PG(elem_tensors['T_u'], elem_tensors['B_c'], \ T_d=elem_tensors['T_d'], B_a= elem_tensors['B_a'],\ B_b=elem_tensors['B_b'], SYM_UP_DOWN=SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=SYM_BOND_S,\ pgs= pgs, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state
[docs]def write_ipess_kagome_pg(state, outputfile, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False, pg_symmetrize=False): r""" :param state: wavefunction to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_PG :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type tol: float :type normalize: bool :param pg_symmetrize: symmetrize state before writing out :type pg_symmetrize: bool Write state to file. """ # TODO drop constrain for aux bond dimension to be identical on all bond indices # TODO implement cutoff on elements with magnitude below tol sym_state= to_PG_symmetric(state) if pg_symmetrize else state json_state = dict({"elem_tensors": {}, "SYM_UP_DOWN": sym_state.SYM_UP_DOWN, \ "SYM_BOND_S": sym_state.SYM_BOND_S, "pgs": sym_state.pgs}) # write list of considered elementary tensors for key, t in sym_state.elem_tensors.items(): tmp_t= t/t.abs().max() if normalize else t json_state["elem_tensors"][key]= serialize_bare_tensor_legacy(tmp_t) with open(outputfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(json_state, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs]class IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC(IPESS_KAGOME_PG): def __init__(self, T_u, B_c, T_d=None,\ B_a=None, B_b=None,\ SYM_UP_DOWN=True, SYM_BOND_S=True, pgs=None,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param T_u: tuple of vector with real coefficients and list of basis tensors defining trivalent tensor as linear combination :param B_c: tuple of vector with real coefficients and list of basis tensors defining bond tensor as linear combination :param T_d: analogous to T_u :param B_a: analogous to B_c :param B_b: analogous to B_c :param SYM_UP_DOWN: is up triangle equivalent to down triangle :param SYM_BOND_S: are bond tensors equivalent to each other :param pgs: dictionary assigning point-group irreps to basis tensors :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type T_u: tuple(torch.tensor, list(tuple(dict,torch.tensor))) :type B_c: tuple(torch.tensor, list(tuple(dict,torch.tensor))) :type T_u: tuple(torch.tensor, list(tuple(dict,torch.tensor))) :type B_a: tuple(torch.tensor, list(tuple(dict,torch.tensor))) :type B_b: tuple(torch.tensor, list(tuple(dict,torch.tensor))) :type SYM_UP_DOWN: bool :type SYM_BOND_S: bool :type pgs: dict[str : str] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS Single unit-cell iPESS ansatz (3 sites per unit cell) for Kagome lattice with elementary tensors built as linear combination of supplied basis tensors. Each basis tensor is described by a dict:: T_u= (torch.Tensor, [ ..., ({"meta": {"pg": "A_1"}, ...}, torch.Tensor), ..., ]) where the value of "pg" (specified inside dict "meta") is either "A_1" or "A_2" for trivalent tensors ``'T_u'``, ``'T_d'`` and "A" or "B" for bond tensors ``'B_a'``, ``'B_b'``, ``'B_c'``. Coefficients and basis tensors can be accessed in member dictionaries ``coeffs`` and ``basis_t`` respectively. If ``SYM_UP_DOWN``, then `T_d` trivalent tensor is taken to be identical to `T_u`. The choice of the contraction guarantees the same (direction of) chirality on up and down triangles. If ``SYM_BOND_S``, then `B_a` and `B_b` bond tensors are taken to be identical to `B_c`. The ``pgs`` specifies point-group irreps for elementary tensors, see :class:`IPESS_KAGOME_PG`. Only basis tensors of selected point-group irrep are used to construct ipess tensors. """ self.SYM_UP_DOWN= SYM_UP_DOWN self.SYM_BOND_S= SYM_BOND_S # default setup self.coeffs= OrderedDict({'T_u': T_u[0],'B_c': B_c[0]}) self.basis_t= OrderedDict({'T_u': T_u[1],'B_c': B_c[1]}) # ipess_tensors= OrderedDict({'T_u': T_u[1], 'T_d': T_u[1],\ # 'B_c': B_c[1], 'B_a': B_c[1], 'B_b': B_c[1]}) if not SYM_UP_DOWN: assert isinstance(T_d[0], torch.Tensor),\ "coefficients and basis tensors for T_d have to be provided" self.coeffs['T_d']= T_d[0] self.basis_t['T_d']= T_d[1] if not SYM_BOND_S: assert isinstance(B_a[0],torch.Tensor) and isinstance(B_b[0],torch.Tensor),\ "coefficients and basis tensors for bond 1 and bond 2 must be provided" self.coeffs['B_a']= B_a[0] self.coeffs['B_b']= B_b[0] self.basis_t['B_a']= B_a[1] self.basis_t['B_b']= B_b[1] # PGs if pgs==None: pgs=dict() assert isinstance(pgs,dict) and set(list(pgs.keys()))<=set(['T_u','T_d','B_a','B_b','B_c']),\ "Invalid point-group specification "+str(pgs) self.pgs= pgs elem_tensors= self.build_elem_tensors() super().__init__(**elem_tensors,\ SYM_UP_DOWN=SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=SYM_BOND_S, pgs=pgs,\ pg_symmetrize=False, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) def __str__(self): for k in self.coeffs.keys(): print(f"{k}") for m_t in self.basis_t[k]: print(f"{m_t[0]}") super().__str__() return ""
[docs] def get_parameters(self): r""" :return: variational parameters of IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC :rtype: iterable This function is called by optimizer to access variational parameters of the state. In this case member ``coeffs``. """ return self.coeffs.values()
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self): r""" :return: all data necessary to reconstruct the state. In this case dict containing members ``coeffs`` and ``basis_t`` :rtype: dict[str: dict[str: torch.Tensor], str: dict[str: list(tuple(dict,torch.Tensor))]] This function is called by optimizer to create checkpoints during the optimization process. """ return dict(coeffs= self.coeffs, basis_t= self.basis_t)
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_file): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=self.device) self.coeffs= checkpoint["parameters"]["coeffs"] self.basis_t= checkpoint["parameters"]["basis_t"] self.update_()
@staticmethod def create_from_checkpoint(checkpoint_file, SYM_UP_DOWN=True, SYM_BOND_S=True,\ pgs=None, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file, map_location=global_args.device) coeffs= checkpoint["parameters"]["coeffs"] basis_t= checkpoint["parameters"]["basis_t"] c_b= { ind: (coeffs[ind], basis_t[ind]) for ind in coeffs.keys() } return IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC( c_b['T_u'], c_b['B_c'],\ T_d=c_b['T_d'] if 'T_d' in c_b else None,\ B_a=c_b['B_a'] if 'B_a' in c_b else None,\ B_b=c_b['B_b'] if 'B_b' in c_b else None,\ SYM_UP_DOWN=SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=SYM_BOND_S, pgs=pgs,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args)
[docs] def build_elem_tensors(self): r""" :return: elementary tensors :rtype: dict[str: torch.Tensor] Construct elementary tensors ``'T_u'``, ``'B_c'`` and optionally ``'T_d'``, ``'B_a'``, ``'B_b'`` as linear combinations of basis tensors with real coefficients. """ elem_tensors=dict() for k in self.coeffs: if k in ['T_u', 'T_d']: if k in self.pgs.keys() and self.pgs[k]=="A_1": sym_t_A1= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_1", self.basis_t[k])) sym_t_A2= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_2", self.basis_t[k])) ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in sym_t_A1] + [ 1.0j*t for m,t in sym_t_A2] ) elif k in self.pgs.keys() and self.pgs[k]=="A_2": sym_t_A1= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_1", self.basis_t[k])) sym_t_A2= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_2", self.basis_t[k])) ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in sym_t_A2] + [ 1.0j*t for m,t in sym_t_A1] ) else: ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in self.basis_t[k]] ) elif k in ['B_a', 'B_b', 'B_c']: if k in self.pgs.keys() and self.pgs[k]=="A": sym_t_A= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A", self.basis_t[k])) sym_t_B= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="B", self.basis_t[k])) ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in sym_t_A] + [ 1.0j*t for m,t in sym_t_B] ) elif k in self.pgs.keys() and self.pgs[k]=="B": sym_t_A= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A", self.basis_t[k])) sym_t_B= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="B", self.basis_t[k])) ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in sym_t_B] + [ 1.0j*t for m,t in sym_t_A] ) else: ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in self.basis_t[k]] ) c= self.coeffs[k].clone() if ts.is_complex(): c= c*(1.0+0.j) elem_tensors[k]= torch.einsum('i,iabc->abc',c,ts) return elem_tensors
[docs] def update_(self): r""" Update parent classes :class:`IPESS_KAGOME_PG`, :class:`IPESS_KAGOME_GENERIC`, and :class:`IPEPS_KAGOME`. First, invoking reconstruction of elementary tensors by :meth:`build_elem_tensors` and then construct rank-5 iPEPS by :meth:`build_onsite_tensors`. """ self.elem_tensors= self.build_elem_tensors() self.ipess_tensors= {'T_u': self.elem_tensors['T_u'], 'T_d': self.elem_tensors['T_u'],\ 'B_a': self.elem_tensors['B_c'], 'B_b': self.elem_tensors['B_c'],\ 'B_c': self.elem_tensors['B_c']} if not self.SYM_UP_DOWN: self.ipess_tensors['T_d']= self.elem_tensors['T_d'] if not self.SYM_BOND_S: self.ipess_tensors['B_b']= self.elem_tensors['B_b'] self.ipess_tensors['B_a']= self.elem_tensors['B_a'] self.sites = self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def add_noise(self, noise): r""" :param noise: magnitude of noise :type noise: float Add uniform random noise to coefficients of linear combinations. """ for k in self.coeffs: rand_t= torch.rand_like( self.coeffs[k] ) self.coeffs[k]= self.coeffs[k] + noise * (rand_t-1.0) self.update_()
def extend_bond_dim(self, new_d): raise NotImplementedError("")
[docs] def write_to_file(self, outputfile, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" See :meth:`write_ipess_kagome_pg_lc`. """ write_ipess_kagome_pg_lc(self, outputfile, tol=tol, normalize=normalize)
[docs]def write_ipess_kagome_pg_lc(state, outputfile, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" :param state: wavefunction to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type tol: float :type normalize: bool Write state to file. """ #TODO implement cutoff on elements with magnitude below tol json_state=dict({"pgs": state.pgs , "basis_t": {}, "coeffs": {}, \ "SYM_UP_DOWN": state.SYM_UP_DOWN, "SYM_BOND_S": state.SYM_BOND_S}) for k in state.basis_t.keys(): json_state["basis_t"][k]= [] for m_t in state.basis_t[k]: json_state["basis_t"][k].append( serialize_basis_t(*m_t) ) for k in state.coeffs.keys(): tmp_t= state.coeffs[k] if normalize: tmp_t= tmp_t/tmp_t.abs().max() json_state["coeffs"][k]= serialize_basis_t(None, tmp_t) with open(outputfile,'w') as f: json.dump(json_state, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs]def read_ipess_kagome_pg_lc(jsonfile, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC in json format :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC Read IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC state from file. """ with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) SYM_UP_DOWN= True if "SYM_UP_DOWN" in raw_state.keys(): SYM_UP_DOWN= raw_state["SYM_UP_DOWN"] SYM_BOND_S= True if "SYM_BOND_S" in raw_state.keys(): SYM_BOND_S= raw_state["SYM_BOND_S"] pgs=None if "pgs" in raw_state.keys(): # legacy if not isinstance(raw_state["pgs"],dict): pgs= tuple( raw_state["pgs"] ) if pgs==(None,None,None): pgs=None elif pgs==("A_2","A_2","B"): pgs= {"T_u": "A_2", "T_d": "A_2", "B_c": "B", "B_a": "B", "B_b": "B"} else: pgs= raw_state["pgs"] basis_t= dict() for k in raw_state["basis_t"].keys(): basis_t[k]= [] for b_t in raw_state["basis_t"][k]: basis_t[k].append( read_basis_t(b_t, device=global_args.device) ) coeffs= dict() for k in raw_state["coeffs"].keys(): _, coeffs[k]= read_basis_t(raw_state["coeffs"][k], device=global_args.device) pg_lc_tensors= { k: (coeffs[k],basis_t[k]) for k in coeffs.keys() } state= IPESS_KAGOME_PG_LC( **pg_lc_tensors,\ SYM_UP_DOWN=SYM_UP_DOWN, SYM_BOND_S=SYM_BOND_S, pgs=pgs,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state