Source code for ipeps.ipeps_lc

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import warnings
import math
import config as cfg
import ipeps.ipeps as ipeps

class IPEPS_LC(ipeps.IPEPS, ABC):
    def __init__(self, elem_tensors, coeffs, vertexToSite=None, lX=None, lY=None, \
        peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args):
        :param elem_tensors: elementary tensors
        :param coeffs: coefficients combining elementary tensors into regular iPEPS
        :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice 
                             into a vertex within elementary unit cell
        :param lX: length of the elementary unit cell in X direction
        :param lY: length of the elementary unit cell in Y direction
        :param peps_args: ipeps configuration
        :param global_args: global configuration
        :type elem_tensors: iterable
        :type coeffs: iterable
        :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int)
        :type lX: int
        :type lY: int
        :type peps_args: PEPSARGS
        :type global_args: GLOBALARGS
        IPEPS_LC, where LC stands for linear combination, encapsulates a subclass
        of iPEPS states where on-site tensors are built as a linear combination of
        selected elementary tensors.

        The function `build_onsite_tensors` is expected to construct regular IPEPS,
        which can be then be treated by CTMRG, by combining `elem_tensors` and `coeffs`.
        self.elem_tensors= elem_tensors
        self.coeffs= OrderedDict(coeffs)
        sites= self.build_onsite_tensors()

        super().__init__(sites, vertexToSite=vertexToSite, peps_args=peps_args,\

    def get_parameters(self):

    def get_checkpoint(self):

    def load_checkpoint(self,checkpoint_file):

    def build_onsite_tensors(self):

    def add_noise(self,noise):

    def write_to_file(self, outputfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False):

[docs]class IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG(IPEPS_LC): def __init__(self, elem_tensors, coeffs, \ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param elem_tensors: elementary tensors :param coeffs: coefficients combining elementary tensors into regular iPEPS :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type elem_tensors: list(tuple(dict,torch.Tensor)) :type coeffs: dict :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS Single-site iPEPS with on-site tensor built from a linear combination of elementary tensors. These elementary tensors are representatives of some point group irrep. Currently supported combinations are real :math:`A_1`, and complex :math:`A_1 + iA_2`. Where elementary tensors `e` are assumed to be real representatives of either :math:`A_1` or :math:`A_2` irreps of :math:`C_{4v}` point group. The on-site tensor is then built as .. math:: a = \sum_i \lambda_i e_{A_1;i} + i\sum_j \lambda_j e_{A_2;j} where :math:`\vec{\lambda}` is a real vector. Each elementary tensor is described by dict:: elem_tensors= [ ..., ({"meta": {"pg": "A_1"}, ...}, torch.Tensor), ..., ] where the value of "pg" (specified inside dict "meta") is either "A_1" or "A_2". """ self.pg_irreps= set([m["meta"]["pg"] for m,t in elem_tensors]) super().__init__(elem_tensors, coeffs, peps_args=peps_args,\ global_args=global_args) def __str__(self): print(f"lX x lY: {self.lX} x {self.lY}") for nid,coord,site in [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in enumerate(self.coeffs.items())]: print(f"A{nid} {coord}: {site.size()}") # show tiling of a square lattice coord_list = list(self.coeffs.keys()) mx, my = 3*self.lX, 3*self.lY label_spacing = 1+int(math.log10(len(self.coeffs.keys()))) for y in range(-my,my): if y == -my: print("y\\x ", end="") for x in range(-mx,mx): print(str(x)+label_spacing*" "+" ", end="") print("") print(f"{y:+} ", end="") for x in range(-mx,mx): print(f"A{coord_list.index(self.vertexToSite((x,y)))} ", end="") print("") # print meta-information of considered symmetric tensors for i,su2t in enumerate(self.elem_tensors): print(f"{i} {su2t[0]}") # print coefficients for nid,coord,c in [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in enumerate(self.coeffs.items())]: tdims = c.size() tlength = tdims[0] print(f"x: {coord[0]}, y: {coord[1]}") els=[f"{c[i]}" for i in range(tlength)] print(els) return ""
[docs] def site(self,coord=(0,0)): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y). Can be ignored, since the ansatz is single-site. :type coord: tuple(int,int) :return: on-site tensor :rtype: torch.tensor """ return super().site(coord)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): return self.coeffs.values()
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self): checkpoint= {"coeffs": self.coeffs, "elem_tensors": self.elem_tensors,\ "pg_irreps": self.pg_irreps} return checkpoint
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self,checkpoint_file): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file) params= checkpoint["parameters"] if "coeffs" in params.keys(): self.coeffs= params["coeffs"] else: # legacy checkpoints self.coeffs= params for coeff_t in self.coeffs.values(): coeff_t.requires_grad_(False) if "elem_tensors" in params.keys(): assert any([ coeff_t.numel()==len(params["elem_tensors"]) for coeff_t \ in params["coeffs"].values()]),"Length of coefficient vectors does "\ +"not match the set of elementary tensors" self.elem_tensors= params["elem_tensors"] else: warnings.warn("Elementary tensors not included in checkpoint. Using class file instead", Warning) self.pg_irreps= set([m["meta"]["pg"] for m,t in self.elem_tensors]) self.sites= self.build_onsite_tensors()
[docs] def build_onsite_tensors(self): r""" :return: sites :rtype: dict[tuple(int,int): torch.tensor] Builds ``sites`` by combining elementary tensors. """ if len(self.pg_irreps)==1 and self.pg_irreps==set(["A_1"]): ts= torch.stack([t for m,t in self.elem_tensors]) elif len(self.pg_irreps)==2 and self.pg_irreps==set(["A_1","A_2"]): sym_t_A1= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_1", self.elem_tensors)) sym_t_A2= list(filter(lambda x: x[0]["meta"]["pg"]=="A_2", self.elem_tensors)) ts= torch.stack( [t for m,t in sym_t_A1] + [ 1.0j*t for m,t in sym_t_A2] ) else: raise NotImplementedError("unexpected point group irrep "+str(self.pg_irreps)) sites=dict() for coord,c in self.coeffs.items(): if ts.is_complex(): c= c*(1.0+0.j) sites[coord]= torch.einsum('i,ipuldr->puldr',c,ts) return sites
[docs] def add_noise(self,noise): r""" :param noise: magnitude of noise :type noise: float Take IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG and add random uniform noise with magnitude noise to vector of coefficients ``coeffs``. """ for coord in self.coeffs.keys(): rand_t = torch.rand( self.coeffs[coord].size(), dtype=self.coeffs[coord].dtype,\ device=self.device) tmp_t = self.coeffs[coord] + noise * (rand_t-0.5) self.coeffs[coord]= tmp_t/torch.max(torch.abs(tmp_t)) self.sites= self.build_onsite_tensors()
def get_aux_bond_dims(self): return [max(t[1].size()[1:]) for t in self.elem_tensors]
[docs] def write_to_file(self, outputfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" Write state to file. See :meth:`write_ipeps_lc_1site_pg` """ write_ipeps_lc_1site_pg(self, outputfile, aux_seq=aux_seq, tol=tol, normalize=normalize)
def clone(self, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args, requires_grad=False): tmp_elem_t=[] for m,t in self.elem_tensors: tmp_elem_t.append((m, t.detach().clone())) tmp_coeffs= dict() for k,c in self.coeffs.items(): tmp_coeffs[k]= c.detach().clone() state_clone= IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG(tmp_elem_t, tmp_coeffs,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state_clone def move_to(self, device): if device=='cpu' or device==torch.device('cpu'): for i,mt in enumerate(self.elem_tensors): self.elem_tensors[0][1]= mt[1].to(device) for k,c in self.coeffs.items(): self.coeffs[k]= elif device.type=='cuda': for i,mt in enumerate(self.elem_tensors): self.elem_tensors[0][1]= mt[1].to(device) for k,c in self.coeffs.items(): self.coeffs[k]= else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported device {device}")
[docs]def read_ipeps_lc_1site_pg(jsonfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3],\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG in json format :param aux_seq: array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in `jsonfile` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG A simple PBC ``vertexToSite`` function is used by default Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state= json.load(j) state= from_json_str(json.dumps(raw_state), aux_seq=aux_seq,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state
[docs]def from_json_str(json_str, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3],\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param json_str: str describing IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG in json format :param aux_seq: array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in `jsonfile` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG A simple PBC ``vertexToSite`` function is used by default Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ dtype= global_args.torch_dtype asq = [x+1 for x in aux_seq] sites = OrderedDict() raw_state = json.loads(json_str) # check for presence of "aux_seq" field in jsonfile if "aux_ind_seq" in raw_state.keys(): asq = [x+1 for x in raw_state["aux_ind_seq"]] # read the list of considered SU(2)-symmetric tensors ten_list_key="sym_tensors" if "elem_tensors" in raw_state.keys(): ten_list_key= "elem_tensors" elif "su2_tensors" in raw_state.keys(): ten_list_key= "su2_tensors" elem_tensors=[] for symt in raw_state[ten_list_key]: loc_dtype= torch.float64 # assume float64 by default if "dtype" in symt.keys(): if "complex128"==symt["dtype"]: loc_dtype= torch.complex128 elif "float64"==symt["dtype"]: loc_dtype= torch.float64 else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid dtype: "+symt["dtype"]) # NOTE elementary tensors are real, yet the final on-site tensor might be complex # assert loc_dtype==dtype, "dtypes do not match - iPEPS "\ # +str(dtype)+" vs elementary tensor "+str(loc_dtype) meta=dict({"meta": symt["meta"]}) dims=[symt["physDim"]]+[symt["auxDim"]]*4 t= torch.zeros(tuple(dims), dtype=loc_dtype, device=global_args.device) if t.is_complex(): for elem in symt["entries"]: tokens= elem.split(' ') inds=tuple([int(i) for i in tokens[0:5]]) t[inds]= float(tokens[5]) + (0.+1.j)*float(tokens[6]) else: for elem in symt["entries"]: tokens= elem.split(' ') inds=tuple([int(i) for i in tokens[0:5]]) t[inds]= float(tokens[5]) elem_tensors.append((meta,t)) # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,coeffs pairs in the unit cell coeffs=OrderedDict() for ts in raw_state["map"]: coord = (ts["x"],ts["y"]) # find the corresponding tensor of coeffs (and its elements) # identified by "siteId" in the "sites" list t = None for s in raw_state["coeffs"]: if s["siteId"] == ts["siteId"]: t = s if t == None: raise Exception("Tensor with siteId: "+ts["sideId"]+" NOT FOUND in \"sites\"") loc_dtype= torch.float64 if "dtype" in t.keys(): if "complex128"==t["dtype"]: loc_dtype= torch.complex128 elif "float64"==t["dtype"]: loc_dtype= torch.float64 else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid dtype: "+t["dtype"]) # NOTE coeff tensors are real, yet the final on-site tensor might be complex # i.e. A_1 + i * A_2 ansatz # assert loc_dtype==dtype, "dtypes do not match - iPEPS "\ # +str(dtype)+" vs elementary tensor "+str(loc_dtype) X = torch.zeros(t["numEntries"], dtype=loc_dtype, device=global_args.device) # 1) fill the tensor with elements from the list "entries" # which list the coefficients in the following # notation: Dimensions are indexed starting from 0 # # index (integer) of coeff, (float) Re, Im if X.is_complex(): for entry in t["entries"]: tokens = entry.split() X[int(tokens[0])]=float(tokens[1]) + (0.+1.j)*float(tokens[2]) else: for entry in t["entries"]: tokens = entry.split() X[int(tokens[0])]=float(tokens[1]) coeffs[coord]=X state = IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG(elem_tensors=elem_tensors, coeffs=coeffs, \ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) return state
[docs]def write_ipeps_lc_1site_pg(state, outputfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): r""" :param state: wavefunction to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param aux_seq: array specifying order in which the auxiliary indices of on-site tensors will be stored in the `outputfile` :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type tol: float :type normalize: bool Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the order of auxiliary indices relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch in which the tensor elements are written out:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ # TODO drop constrain for aux bond dimension to be identical on # all bond indices # TODO implement cutoff on elements with magnitude below tol asq = [x+1 for x in aux_seq] json_state=dict({"lX": state.lX, "lY": state.lY, "elem_tensors": [], "coeffs": []}) # write list of considered elementary tensors for meta,t in state.elem_tensors: json_tensor=dict() json_tensor["dtype"]="complex128" if t.is_complex() else "float64" json_tensor["meta"]=meta["meta"] tdims = t.size() tlength = tdims[0]*tdims[1]*tdims[2]*tdims[3]*tdims[4] json_tensor["physDim"]= tdims[0] # assuming all auxBondDim are identical json_tensor["auxDim"]= tdims[1] # get non-zero elements t_nonzero= t.nonzero() json_tensor["numEntries"]= len(t_nonzero) entries = [] for elem in t_nonzero: ei=tuple(elem.tolist()) entries.append(f"{ei[0]} {ei[asq[0]]} {ei[asq[1]]} {ei[asq[2]]} {ei[asq[3]]}"\ +f" {t[ei]}") json_tensor["entries"]=entries json_state["elem_tensors"].append(json_tensor) site_ids=[] site_map=[] for nid,coord,c in [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in enumerate(state.coeffs.items())]: if normalize: c= c/torch.max(torch.abs(c)) json_tensor=dict() tdims = c.size() tlength = tdims[0] site_ids.append(f"A{nid}") site_map.append(dict({"siteId": site_ids[-1], "x": coord[0], "y": coord[1]} )) json_tensor["dtype"]="complex128" if c.is_complex() else "float64" json_tensor["siteId"]=site_ids[-1] # assuming all auxBondDim are identical json_tensor["numEntries"]= tlength entries = [] for i in range(len(c)): entries.append(f"{i} {c[i]}") json_tensor["entries"]=entries json_state["coeffs"].append(json_tensor) json_state["siteIds"]=site_ids json_state["map"]=site_map with open(outputfile,'w') as f: json.dump(json_state, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
# TODO make consistent with class method def load_checkpoint_lc_1site_pg(checkpoint_file, vertexToSite=None, lX=None, lY=None,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file) params= checkpoint["parameters"] assert "coeffs" in params,"missing 'coeffs' in checkpoint" assert "elem_tensors" in params,"missing 'elem_tensors' in checkpoint" assert "pg_irreps" in params,"missing 'pg_irreps' in checkpoint" assert any([ coeff_t.numel()==len(params["elem_tensors"]) for coeff_t in params["coeffs"].values()]),\ "Length of coefficient vectors does not match the set of elementary tensors" assert params["pg_irreps"]==set([m["meta"]["pg"] for m,t in params["elem_tensors"]]),\ "Expected point groups do not match" state= IPEPS_LC_1SITE_PG(params["elem_tensors"], params["coeffs"], vertexToSite=vertexToSite,\ lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) for coeff_t in state.coeffs.values(): coeff_t.requires_grad_(False) return state