Source code for ipeps.ipeps_c4v

import torch
import ipeps.ipeps as ipeps
from import make_c4v_symm 
import config as cfg

[docs]class IPEPS_C4V(ipeps.IPEPS): def __init__(self, site=None, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param site: on-site tensor :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type site: torch.tensor :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS The index-position convetion for on-site tensor is defined as follows:: u s |/ l--A--r <=> a[s,u,l,d,r] | d where s denotes physical index, and u,l,d,r label four principal directions up, left, down, right in anti-clockwise order starting from up. """ if site is not None: assert isinstance(site,torch.Tensor), "site is not a torch.Tensor" sites= {(0,0): site} else: sites= dict() super().__init__(sites, lX=1, lY=1, peps_args=peps_args,\ global_args=global_args)
[docs] def site(self,coord=None): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y). Can be ignored, since the ansatz is single-site. :type coord: tuple(int,int) :return: on-site tensor :rtype: torch.tensor """ return self.sites[(0,0)]
[docs] def add_noise(self,noise,symmetrize=False): r""" :param noise: magnitude of the noise :type noise: float Take IPEPS and add random uniform noise with magnitude ``noise`` to on-site tensor """ rand_t = torch.rand(, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) self.sites[(0,0)]= + noise * rand_t if symmetrize: if self.sites[(0,0)].is_complex(): self.sites[(0,0)]= make_c4v_symm( \ + make_c4v_symm(, irreps=["A2"]) * 1.0j else: self.sites[(0,0)]= make_c4v_symm(
[docs] def write_to_file(self,outputfile,symmetrize=True,**kwargs): r""" :param symmetrize: symmetrize state before writing out :type symmetrize: bool Writes state into file. See :meth:`ipeps.ipeps.write_ipeps`. """ tmp_state= to_ipeps_c4v(self) if symmetrize else self ipeps.write_ipeps(tmp_state, outputfile,**kwargs)
def extend_bond_dim(state, new_d): return ipeps.extend_bond_dim(state, new_d)
[docs]def to_ipeps_c4v(state, normalize=False): r""" :param state: single-site IPEPS :type state: IPEPS :param normalize: normalize tensor :type normalize: bool :return: symmetrized state :rtype: IPEPS_C4V Symmetrize single-site IPEPS by projecting its on-site tensor to :math:`A_1` point-group irrep if the on-site tensor is real, or :math:`A_1 + iA_2` if it is complex. """ #TODO other classes of C4v-symmetric ansatz ? # we choose A1 irrep, in principle, other choices are possible (A2, B1, ...) assert len(state.sites.items())==1, "state has more than a single on-site tensor" A= next(iter(state.sites.values())) if A.is_complex(): A= make_c4v_symm(A.real) + make_c4v_symm(A.imag, irreps=["A2"]) * 1.0j else: A= make_c4v_symm(A) if normalize: A= A/A.norm() return IPEPS_C4V(A)
[docs]def read_ipeps_c4v(jsonfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing IPEPS_C4V in json format :param aux_seq: array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in `jsonfile` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPS_C4V Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ state= ipeps.read_ipeps(jsonfile, aux_seq=aux_seq, peps_args=peps_args,\ global_args=global_args) assert len(state.sites.items())==1, "state has more than a single on-site tensor" return IPEPS_C4V(next(iter(state.sites.values())))