Source code for ipeps.ipeps

import warnings
import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import itertools
import math
import config as cfg
from ipeps.tensor_io import *
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO drop constrain for aux bond dimension to be identical on 
# all bond indices

[docs]class IPEPS(): def __init__(self, sites=None, vertexToSite=None, lX=None, lY=None, peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param sites: map from elementary unit cell to on-site tensors :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell :param lX: length of the elementary unit cell in X direction :param lY: length of the elementary unit cell in Y direction :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type sites: dict[tuple(int,int) : torch.tensor] :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int) :type lX: int :type lY: int :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS Member ``sites`` is a dictionary of non-equivalent on-site tensors indexed by tuple of coordinates (x,y) within the elementary unit cell. The index-position convetion for on-site tensors is defined as follows:: u s |/ l--a--r <=> a[s,u,l,d,r] | d where s denotes physical index, and u,l,d,r label four principal directions up, left, down, right in anti-clockwise order starting from up. Member ``vertexToSite`` is a mapping function from any vertex (x,y) on a square lattice passed in as tuple(int,int) to a corresponding vertex within elementary unit cell. On-site tensor of an IPEPS object ``wfc`` at vertex (x,y) is conveniently accessed through the member function ``site``, which internally uses ``vertexToSite`` mapping:: coord= (0,0) a_00= By combining the appropriate ``vertexToSite`` mapping function with elementary unit cell specified through ``sites``, various tilings of a square lattice can be achieved:: # Example 1: 1-site translational iPEPS sites={(0,0): a} def vertexToSite(coord): return (0,0) wfc= IPEPS(sites,vertexToSite) # resulting tiling: # y\x -2 -1 0 1 2 # -2 a a a a a # -1 a a a a a # 0 a a a a a # 1 a a a a a # Example 2: 2-site bipartite iPEPS sites={(0,0): a, (1,0): b} def vertexToSite(coord): x = (coord[0] + abs(coord[0]) * 2) % 2 y = abs(coord[1]) return ((x + y) % 2, 0) wfc= IPEPS(sites,vertexToSite) # resulting tiling: # y\x -2 -1 0 1 2 # -2 A b a b a # -1 B a b a b # 0 A b a b a # 1 B a b a b # Example 3: iPEPS with 3x2 unit cell with PBC sites={(0,0): a, (1,0): b, (2,0): c, (0,1): d, (1,1): e, (2,1): f} wfc= IPEPS(sites,lX=3,lY=2) # resulting tiling: # y\x -2 -1 0 1 2 # -2 b c a b c # -1 e f d e f # 0 b c a b c # 1 e f d e f where in the last example a default setting for ``vertexToSite`` is used, which maps square lattice into elementary unit cell of size ``lX`` x ``lY`` assuming periodic boundary conditions (PBC) along both X and Y directions. """ if not sites: self.dtype= global_args.torch_dtype self.device= global_args.device else: assert len(set( tuple( site.dtype for site in sites.values() ) ))==1,"Mixed dtypes in sites" assert len(set( tuple( site.device for site in sites.values() ) ))==1,"Mixed devices in sites" self.dtype= next(iter(sites.values())).dtype self.device= next(iter(sites.values())).device self.sites= OrderedDict(sites) # TODO we infer the size of the cluster from the keys of sites. Is it OK? # infer the size of the cluster if (lX is None or lY is None) and sites: min_x = min([coord[0] for coord in sites.keys()]) max_x = max([coord[0] for coord in sites.keys()]) min_y = min([coord[1] for coord in sites.keys()]) max_y = max([coord[1] for coord in sites.keys()]) self.lX = max_x-min_x + 1 self.lY = max_y-min_y + 1 elif lX and lY: self.lX = lX self.lY = lY else: raise Exception("lX and lY has to set either directly or implicitly by sites") if vertexToSite is not None: self.vertexToSite = vertexToSite else: def vertexToSite(coord): x = coord[0] y = coord[1] return ( (x + abs(x)*self.lX)%self.lX, (y + abs(y)*self.lY)%self.lY ) self.vertexToSite = vertexToSite
[docs] def site(self, coord): """ :param coord: tuple (x,y) specifying vertex on a square lattice :type coord: tuple(int,int) :return: on-site tensor corresponding to the vertex (x,y) :rtype: torch.tensor """ return self.sites[self.vertexToSite(coord)]
[docs] def get_parameters(self): r""" :return: variational parameters of iPEPS :rtype: iterable This function is called by optimizer to access variational parameters of the state. """ return self.sites.values()
[docs] def get_checkpoint(self): r""" :return: all data necessary to reconstruct the state. In this case member ``sites`` :rtype: dict[tuple(int,int): torch.tensor] This function is called by optimizer to create checkpoints during the optimization process. """ return self.sites
[docs] def load_checkpoint(self,checkpoint_file): r""" :param checkpoint_file: path to checkpoint file :type checkpoint_file: str Initializes the state according to the supplied checkpoint file. .. note:: The `vertexToSite` mapping function is not a part of checkpoint and must be provided either when instantiating IPEPS_ABELIAN or afterwards. """ checkpoint= torch.load(checkpoint_file,map_location=self.device) self.sites= checkpoint["parameters"] for site_t in self.sites.values(): site_t.requires_grad_(False) if True in [s.is_complex() for s in self.sites.values()]: self.dtype= torch.complex128
[docs] def write_to_file(self,outputfile,aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False): """ Writes state to file. See :meth:`write_ipeps`. """ write_ipeps(self,outputfile,aux_seq=aux_seq, tol=tol, normalize=normalize)
[docs] def add_noise(self,noise,noise_f=None): r""" :param noise: magnitude of the noise :type noise: float Take IPEPS and add random uniform noise with magnitude ``noise`` to all on-site tensors """ for coord in self.sites.keys(): if noise_f: rand_t = noise_f(self.sites[coord].size(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device) else: rand_t = torch.rand(self.sites[coord].size(), dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)-0.5 self.sites[coord] = self.sites[coord] + noise * rand_t
def get_aux_bond_dims(self): return [d for key in self.sites.keys() for d in self.sites[key].size()[1:]] def __str__(self): print(f"lX x lY: {self.lX} x {self.lY}") for nid,coord,site in [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in enumerate(self.sites.items())]: print(f"a{nid} {coord}: {site.size()}") # show tiling of a square lattice coord_list = list(self.sites.keys()) mx, my = 3*self.lX, 3*self.lY label_spacing = 1+int(math.log10(len(self.sites.keys()))) for y in range(-my,my): if y == -my: print("y\\x ", end="") for x in range(-mx,mx): print(str(x)+label_spacing*" "+" ", end="") print("") print(f"{y:+} ", end="") for x in range(-mx,mx): print(f"a{coord_list.index(self.vertexToSite((x,y)))} ", end="") print("") return "" def normalize_(self): for c in self.sites.keys(): self.sites[c]= self.sites[c]/self.sites[c].abs().max()
[docs]def read_ipeps(jsonfile, vertexToSite=None, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing iPEPS in json format :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell :param aux_seq: array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in `jsonfile` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int) :type aux_seq: list[int] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPS A simple PBC ``vertexToSite`` function is used by default Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX=False asq = [x+1 for x in aux_seq] sites = OrderedDict() with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) # check for presence of "aux_seq" field in jsonfile if "aux_ind_seq" in raw_state.keys(): asq = [x+1 for x in raw_state["aux_ind_seq"]] # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,site pairs in the unit cell for ts in raw_state["map"]: coord = (ts["x"],ts["y"]) # find the corresponding tensor (and its elements) # identified by "siteId" in the "sites" list t = None for s in raw_state["sites"]: if s["siteId"] == ts["siteId"]: t = s if t == None: raise Exception("Tensor with siteId: "+ts["sideId"]+" NOT FOUND in \"sites\"") # depending on the "format", read the bare tensor if "format" in t.keys(): if t["format"]=="1D": X= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np(t)) else: # default X= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t)) sites[coord]= X.permute((0, *asq)) # allow promotion of real to complex dtype _typeT= torch.zeros(1,dtype=global_args.torch_dtype) if _typeT.is_complex() and not sites[coord].is_complex(): sites[coord]= sites[coord] + 0.j WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX= True # move to selected device sites[coord]= sites[coord].to(global_args.device) if WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX: warnings.warn("Some of the tensors were promoted from float to"\ +" complex dtype", Warning) # Unless given, construct a function mapping from # any site of square-lattice back to unit-cell # check for legacy keys lX = raw_state["sizeM"] if "sizeM" in raw_state else raw_state["lX"] lY = raw_state["sizeN"] if "sizeN" in raw_state else raw_state["lY"] if vertexToSite == None: def vertexToSite(coord): x = coord[0] y = coord[1] return ( (x + abs(x)*lX)%lX, (y + abs(y)*lY)%lY ) state = IPEPS(sites, vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) else: state = IPEPS(sites, vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) # set the correct dtype for newly created state (might be different # default in cfg.global_args) # if True in [s.is_complex() for s in sites.values()]: # state.dtype= torch.complex128 return state
[docs]def extend_bond_dim(state, new_d): r""" :param state: wavefunction to modify :param new_d: new enlarged auxiliary bond dimension :type state: IPEPS :type new_d: int :return: wavefunction with enlarged auxiliary bond dimensions :rtype: IPEPS Take IPEPS and enlarge all auxiliary bond dimensions of all on-site tensors up to size ``new_d`` """ new_state = state for coord,site in new_state.sites.items(): dims = site.size() size_check = [new_d >= d for d in dims[1:]] if False in size_check: raise ValueError("Desired dimension is smaller than following aux dimensions: "+str(size_check)) new_site = torch.zeros((dims[0],new_d,new_d,new_d,new_d), dtype=state.dtype, device=state.device) new_site[:,:dims[1],:dims[2],:dims[3],:dims[4]] = site new_state.sites[coord] = new_site return new_state
def _write_ipeps_json(state, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): asq = [x+1 for x in aux_seq] json_state=dict({"lX": state.lX, "lY": state.lY, "sites": []}) site_ids=[] site_map=[] for nid,coord,site in [(t[0], *t[1]) for t in enumerate(state.sites.items())]: if normalize: site= site/site.abs().max() site_ids.append(f"A{nid}") site_map.append(dict({"siteId": site_ids[-1], "x": coord[0], "y": coord[1]} )) if global_args.tensor_io_format=="legacy": json_tensor= serialize_bare_tensor_legacy(site) # json_tensor["physDim"]= site.size(0) # assuming all auxBondDim are identical # json_tensor["auxDim"]= site.size(1) elif global_args.tensor_io_format=="1D": json_tensor= serialize_bare_tensor_np(site) json_tensor["siteId"]=site_ids[-1] json_state["sites"].append(json_tensor) json_state["siteIds"]=site_ids json_state["map"]=site_map return json_state
[docs]def write_ipeps(state, outputfile, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param state: wavefunction to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param aux_seq: array specifying order in which the auxiliary indices of on-site tensors will be stored in the `outputfile` :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPEPS :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type tol: float :type normalize: bool Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the order of auxiliary indices relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch in which the tensor elements are written out:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ json_state= _write_ipeps_json(state, aux_seq=aux_seq, tol=tol, normalize=normalize,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) with open(outputfile,'w') as f: json.dump(json_state, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
class IPEPS_WEIGHTED(IPEPS): # TODO validate weights def __init__(self, state=None, sites=None, weights=None, vertexToSite=None, \ lX=None, lY=None, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param sites: map from elementary unit cell to on-site tensors :param weights: map from edges within unit cell to weight tensors :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell :param lX: length of the elementary unit cell in X direction :param lY: length of the elementary unit cell in Y direction :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type sites: dict[tuple(int,int) : torch.Tensor] :type weights: dict[tuple(tuple(int,int), tuple(int,int)) : torch.Tensor] :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int) :type lX: int :type lY: int :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS IPEPS_WEIGHTED augments basic IPEPS with a tensor on each bond within elementary unit cell. In case of diagonal and positive semi-definite tensors, these are called weights. Such augmented ansatz provides basic structure for iTEBD algorithms such as Simple Update. The keys of `weights` dictionary index tensors by tuple of `(coord, dxy)` where `coord` specifies site within elementary unit cell and `(dxy)` is a directional vector specifying up, left, down, or right bond of that site as `(0,-1)`, `(-1,0)`, `(0,1)` or `(1,0)` respectively. Thus the `weights` is not injective dictionary, instead keys (coord,dxy) and (coord+dxy,-dxy) should index identical tensor. """ if state: sites=state.sites vertexToSite=state.vertexToSite lX=state.lX lY=state.lY elif sites: assert vertexToSite or (lX and lY),"vertexToSite or lX,lY has to be provided" else: raise RuntimeError("Either state or sites have to be provided") super().__init__(sites, vertexToSite=vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) self.weights= OrderedDict(weights) if weights else self.generate_weights() def generate_weights(self): # # w0 w2 # w4--(0,0)--w5--(1,0)--[w4] # w1 w3 # w6--(0,1)--w7--(1,1)--[w6] # [w0] [w2] def neg_(dxy): return (-dxy[0],-dxy[1]) def add_(coord,dxy): return (coord[0]+dxy[0],coord[1]+dxy[1]) dxy_w_to_ind= dict({(0,-1): 1, (-1,0): 2, (0,1): 3, (1,0): 4}) weights=dict() for coord in self.sites.keys(): for dxy,ind in dxy_w_to_ind.items(): # generate weight_id and reverse weight_id # (coord,dxy) identifies the same weight as (coord+dxy,-dxy) w_id= (coord, dxy) w_rid= (self.vertexToSite(add_(coord,dxy)), neg_(dxy)) if not w_id in weights.keys() and not w_rid in weights.keys(): assert[0]).size(dxy_w_to_ind[w_id[1]])==\[0]).size(dxy_w_to_ind[w_rid[1]]),"Bond dims do not match" W= torch.eye([0]).size(dxy_w_to_ind[w_id[1]]),\ dtype=torch.float64,[0]).device) weights[w_id]= W weights[w_rid]= W return weights def absorb_weights(self, peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :return: regular IPEPS obtained by symmetricaly absorbing weights of IPEPS_WEIGHTED into its on-site tensors :rtype: IPEPS Reduce weighted iPEPS to regular iPEPS by splitting its weights symmetrically as `W = \sqrt(W)\sqrt(W)` and absorbing them into on-site tensors:: \sqrt(W) |/s |/s \sqrt(W)--a--\sqrt(W) = --a'-- | | \sqrt(W) .. note:: assumes weight tensors are diagonal and positive semi-definite """ dxy_w_to_ind= OrderedDict({(0,-1): 1, (-1,0): 2, (0,1): 3, (1,0): 4}) expr_ws= {(0,-1): 'um', (-1,0): 'ln', (0,1): 'do', (1,0): 'rp'} full_dxy=set(dxy_w_to_ind.keys()) a_sites=dict() for coord in self.sites.keys(): A= # 0,[1--0,1->4],2->1,3->2,4->3 # 0,[1--0,1->4],2->1,3->2,4->3 # ... expr='smnop,'+','.join([expr_ws[dxy] for dxy in dxy_w_to_ind])+'->suldr' a_sites[coord]= torch.einsum(expr,\ A,*( self.weight((coord, dxy)).sqrt()*(1.0+0j) if A.is_complex() \ else self.weight((coord, dxy)).sqrt() for dxy in dxy_w_to_ind.keys() ) ) #for dxy,ind in dxy_w_to_ind.items(): # w= self.weight((coord, dxy)).sqrt() # A= torch.tensordot(A, w, ([1],[0])) # a_sites[coord]= A return IPEPS(a_sites, vertexToSite=self.vertexToSite,\ lX=self.lX, lY=self.lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) def weight(self, weight_id): """ :param weight_id: tuple with (x,y) coords specifying vertex on a square lattice and tuple with (dx,dy) coords specifying on of the directions (0,-1), (-1,0), (0,1), (1,0) corresponding to up, left, down, and right respectively. :type weight_id: tuple(tuple(int,int), tuple(int,int)) :return: diagonal weight tensor :rtype: torch.Tensor """ xy_site, dxy= weight_id assert dxy in [(0,-1), (-1,0), (0,1), (1,0)],"invalid direction" return self.weights[ (self.vertexToSite(xy_site), dxy) ] def gauge(self,peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" """ def neg_(dxy): return (-dxy[0],-dxy[1]) def add_(coord,dxy): return (coord[0]+dxy[0],coord[1]+dxy[1]) dxy_w_to_ind= dict({(0,-1): 1, (-1,0): 2, (0,1): 3, (1,0): 4}) expr_ws= {(0,-1): 'um', (-1,0): 'ln', (0,1): 'do', (1,0): 'rp'} def _get_dl_gauges(coord,direction,sites,weights): coord= self.vertexToSite(coord) A= sites[coord] ds_to_contract= set(dxy_w_to_ind.keys())-set((direction,)) # # /w^2 # ------A^+--w^2 # w^2/|/ | # -----|A----- # / expr= 'suldr,smnop,'+','.join([expr_ws[d] for d in ds_to_contract])\ +f'->{expr_ws[direction]}' a= torch.einsum(expr,\ A,A.conj(),*( (weights[(coord,d)]**2)*(1.+0j) if A.is_complex() else weights[(coord,d)]**2 \ for d in ds_to_contract) ).contiguous() # diagonalize, since a is hermitian and positive. Force ordering in descending magnitude # l-- l(0)--U # a = sqrt(D)^2 # n-- n(1)--U D,U = torch.linalg.eigh(-a/a.abs().max()) D= -D X= U*D.sqrt() D_invsqrt= D.rsqrt() D_invsqrt[D/D[0]<1.0e-14]=0 Xinv= (U*D_invsqrt).t().conj() return X, Xinv def _update_weights_and_sites(sites,weights,Xs): # associate pair X,Y to each unique weight and update it new_weights, Us= dict(), dict() for coord in sites.keys(): for dxy,ind in dxy_w_to_ind.items(): # generate weight_id and reverse weight_id # (coord,dxy) identifies the same weight as (coord+dxy,-dxy) w_id= (coord, dxy) w_rid= (self.vertexToSite(add_(coord,dxy)), neg_(dxy)) if not w_id in new_weights.keys() and not w_rid in new_weights.keys(): # # | | # --(0,0)-X^{-1}-X[w_id]-w[w_id]-X'[w_rid]-X'^{-1}-(1,0)-- # | | # => # | | # --(0,0)-X^{-1}--U--S--Vh--X'^{-1}-(1,0)-- # | | # U,S,Vh= torch.linalg.svd(Xs[w_id][0].t()@( \ weights[w_id]*(1.0+0j) if Xs[w_id][0].is_complex() else weights[w_id] ) @Xs[w_rid][0]) new_weights[w_id]= torch.diag(S)#/S[0] new_weights[w_rid]= torch.diag(S)#/S[0] Us[w_id]= U.t() Us[w_rid]= Vh new_sites={} for coord in sites.keys(): A= sites[self.vertexToSite(coord)] expr= 'smnop,'+','.join([expr_ws[d] for d in dxy_w_to_ind.keys()])+'->suldr' new_sites[coord]= torch.einsum(expr,A,*(Us[(coord,d)]@Xs[(coord,d)][1]\ for d in dxy_w_to_ind.keys())).contiguous() # new_sites[coord]= A/A.abs().max() return new_sites, new_weights dist=[float('inf')] n_s, n_w= { c: t/t.abs().max() for c,t in self.sites.items() }, self.weights while dist[-1]>peps_args.quasi_gauge_tol and len(dist)<peps_args.quasi_gauge_max_iter: # generate X, Xinv for site and bond Xs= { (coord,d): _get_dl_gauges(coord,d,n_s,n_w) \ for coord in n_s.keys() for d in [(0,-1),(-1,0),(0,1),(1,0)] } n_s, n_w1= _update_weights_and_sites(n_s,n_w,Xs) dist.append(sum([ torch.dist(n_w1[k].diag(),n_w[k].diag()) \ for k in n_w.keys() ]).item()/len(n_s)) n_w= n_w1"gauge dist_legth: {len(dist)}, dist: {dist}") return type(self)(sites=n_s, weights=n_w, vertexToSite=self.vertexToSite, \ lX=self.lX, lY=self.lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) class IPEPO(IPEPS): def __init__(self, sites=None, vertexToSite=None, lX=None, lY=None, peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param sites: map from elementary unit cell to on-site tensors :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell :param lX: length of the elementary unit cell in X direction :param lY: length of the elementary unit cell in Y direction :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type sites: dict[tuple(int,int) : torch.tensor] :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int) :type lX: int :type lY: int :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS Member ``sites`` is a dictionary of non-equivalent on-site tensors indexed by tuple of coordinates (x,y) within the elementary unit cell. The index-position convetion for on-site tensors is defined as follows:: u s |/ l--A--r <=> A[a,s,u,l,d,r] /| a d where a denotes ancilla index, s denotes physical index, and u,l,d,r label four principal directions up, left, down, right in anti-clockwise order starting from up """ super().__init__(sites, vertexToSite=vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args,\ global_args=global_args) def get_aux_bond_dims(self): return [d for key in self.sites.keys() for d in self.sites[key].size()[2:]] def to_fused_ipeps(self): r""" Transform iPEPO into iPEPS defined by single rank-5 tensor with the physical and ancilla dimensions fused. Returns: IPEPSS: ipeps representaion of the ipepo """ _sites= { c: t.view([t.size(0)*t.size(1)]+t.size()[2:]) \ for c,t in self.sites.items() } return IPEPS(sites=_sites, vertexToSite=self.vertexToSite, lX=self.lX,\ lY=self.lY) def to_nophys_ipeps(self): r""" Transform iPEPO into iPEPS defined by single rank-4 tensor with the physical and ancilla dimensions contracted over. Ancilla and physical space must be compatible. Returns: IPEPS: iPEPS representation with only aux indices """ _sites= { c: torch.einsum('iiuldr->uldr',t).contiguous() \ for c,t in self.sites.items() } return IPEPS(sites=_sites, vertexToSite=self.vertexToSite, lX=self.lX,\ lY=self.lY)
[docs]def read_ipepo(jsonfile, vertexToSite=None, aux_seq=[0,1,2,3], peps_args=cfg.peps_args,\ global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param jsonfile: input file describing iPEPO in json format :param vertexToSite: function mapping arbitrary vertex of a square lattice into a vertex within elementary unit cell :param aux_seq: array specifying order of auxiliary indices of on-site tensors stored in `jsonfile` :param peps_args: ipeps configuration :param global_args: global configuration :type jsonfile: str or Path object :type vertexToSite: function(tuple(int,int))->tuple(int,int) :type aux_seq: list[int] :type peps_args: PEPSARGS :type global_args: GLOBALARGS :return: wavefunction :rtype: IPEPO A simple PBC ``vertexToSite`` function is used by default Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the expected order of auxiliary indices in input file relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX=False asq = [x+2 for x in aux_seq] sites = OrderedDict() with open(jsonfile) as j: raw_state = json.load(j) # check for presence of "aux_seq" field in jsonfile if "aux_ind_seq" in raw_state.keys(): asq = [x+2 for x in raw_state["aux_ind_seq"]] # Loop over non-equivalent tensor,site pairs in the unit cell for ts in raw_state["map"]: coord = (ts["x"],ts["y"]) # find the corresponding tensor (and its elements) # identified by "siteId" in the "sites" list t = None for s in raw_state["sites"]: if s["siteId"] == ts["siteId"]: t = s if t == None: raise Exception("Tensor with siteId: "+ts["sideId"]+" NOT FOUND in \"sites\"") # depending on the "format", read the bare tensor if "format" in t.keys(): if t["format"]=="1D": X= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np(t)) else: # default X= torch.from_numpy(read_bare_json_tensor_np_legacy(t)) sites[coord]= X.permute((0,1, *asq)) # allow promotion of real to complex dtype _typeT= torch.zeros(1,dtype=global_args.torch_dtype) if _typeT.is_complex() and not sites[coord].is_complex(): sites[coord]= sites[coord] + 0.j WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX= True # move to selected device sites[coord]= sites[coord].to(global_args.device) if WARN_REAL_TO_COMPLEX: warnings.warn("Some of the tensors were promoted from float to"\ +" complex dtype", Warning) # Unless given, construct a function mapping from # any site of square-lattice back to unit-cell # check for legacy keys lX = raw_state["sizeM"] if "sizeM" in raw_state else raw_state["lX"] lY = raw_state["sizeN"] if "sizeN" in raw_state else raw_state["lY"] if vertexToSite == None: def vertexToSite(coord): x = coord[0] y = coord[1] return ( (x + abs(x)*lX)%lX, (y + abs(y)*lY)%lY ) state = IPEPO(sites, vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) else: state = IPEPO(sites, vertexToSite, lX=lX, lY=lY, peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args) # set the correct dtype for newly created state (might be different # default in cfg.global_args) # if True in [s.is_complex() for s in sites.values()]: # state.dtype= torch.complex128 return state
[docs]def write_ipepo(state, outputfile, tol=1.0e-14, normalize=False,\ peps_args=cfg.peps_args, global_args=cfg.global_args): r""" :param state: operator to write out in json format :param outputfile: target file :param aux_seq: array specifying order in which the auxiliary indices of on-site tensors will be stored in the `outputfile` :param tol: minimum magnitude of tensor elements which are written out :param normalize: if True, on-site tensors are normalized before writing :type state: IPEPO :type ouputfile: str or Path object :type aux_seq: list[int] :type tol: float :type normalize: bool Parameter ``aux_seq`` defines the order of auxiliary indices relative to the convention fixed in tn-torch in which the tensor elements are written out:: 0 1A3 <=> [up, left, down, right]: aux_seq=[0,1,2,3] 2 for alternative order, eg. 1 0A2 <=> [left, up, right, down]: aux_seq=[1,0,3,2] 3 """ write_ipeps(state, outputfile, tol=tol, normalize=normalize,\ peps_args=peps_args, global_args=global_args)