Source code for ctm.one_site_c4v.transferops_c4v

import torch
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigs
import config as cfg
import ipeps
from ctm.one_site_c4v.env_c4v import ENV_C4V
from ctm.one_site_c4v import corrf_c4v

[docs]def get_Top_spec_c4v(n, state, env_c4v, normalize=True, eigenvectors=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param n: number of leading eigenvalues of a transfer operator to compute :type n: int :param state: wavefunction :type state: IPEPS_C4V :param env_c4v: corresponding environment :type env_c4v: ENV_C4V :param normalize: normalize eigenvalues such that :math:`\lambda_0=1` :type normalize: bool :param eigenvectors: compute eigenvectors :type eigenvectors: bool :return: leading n-eigenvalues, returned as `n x 2` tensor with first and second column encoding real and imaginary part respectively. :rtype: torch.Tensor Compute the leading `n` eigenvalues of width-1 transfer operator of 1-site C4v symmetric iPEPS:: --T-- --\ /--- --A-- = \sum_i ---v_i \lambda_i v_i-- --T-- --/ \--- where `A` is a double-layer tensor. """ chi= env_c4v.chi ad= state.get_aux_bond_dims()[0] # multiply vector by transfer-op within torch and pass the result back in numpy # --0 (chi) # v--1 (D^2) # --2 (chi) def _mv(v): V= torch.as_tensor(v,dtype=env_c4v.dtype,device=env_c4v.device) V= V.view(chi,ad*ad,chi) V= corrf_c4v.apply_TM_1sO(state,env_c4v,V,verbosity=verbosity) V= V.view(chi*ad*ad*chi) return V.detach().cpu().numpy() _test_T= torch.zeros(1,dtype=env_c4v.dtype) T= LinearOperator((chi*ad*ad*chi,chi*ad*ad*chi), matvec=_mv, \ dtype="complex128" if _test_T.is_complex() else "float64") if eigenvectors: vals, vecs= eigs(T, k=n, v0=None, return_eigenvectors=True) else: vals= eigs(T, k=n, v0=None, return_eigenvectors=False) # post-process and return as torch tensor with first and second column # containing real and imaginary parts respectively ind_sorted= np.argsort(np.abs(vals))[::-1] # descending order vals= vals[ind_sorted] if normalize: vals= (1.0/np.abs(vals[0])) * vals L= torch.zeros((n,2), dtype=torch.float64, device=state.device) L[:,0]= torch.as_tensor(np.real(vals)) L[:,1]= torch.as_tensor(np.imag(vals)) if eigenvectors: return L, torch.as_tensor(vecs[:,ind_sorted], device=state.device) return L
[docs]def get_Top2_spec_c4v(n, state, env_c4v, verbosity=0): r""" :param n: number of leading eigenvalues of a transfer operator to compute :type n: int :param state: wavefunction :type state: IPEPS_C4V :param env_c4v: corresponding environment :type env_c4v: ENV_C4V :return: leading n-eigenvalues, returned as `n x 2` tensor with first and second column encoding real and imaginary part respectively. :rtype: torch.Tensor Compute the leading `n` eigenvalues of width-2 transfer operator of 1-site C4v symmetric iPEPS:: --T-- --\ /--- --A-- --\ /--- --A-- = \sum_i ---v_i \lambda_i v_i-- --T-- --/ \--- where `A` is a double-layer tensor. """ chi= env_c4v.chi ad= state.get_aux_bond_dims()[0] # multiply vector by transfer-op within torch and pass the result back in numpy # --0 (chi) # v--1 (D^2) # --2 (D^2) # --3 (chi) def _mv(v): V= torch.as_tensor(v,dtype=env_c4v.dtype,device=env_c4v.device) V= V.view(chi,ad*ad,ad*ad,chi) V= corrf_c4v.apply_TM_1sO_2(state,env_c4v,V,verbosity=verbosity) V= V.view(chi*(ad**4)*chi) return V.detach().cpu().numpy() T= LinearOperator((chi*(ad**4)*chi,chi*(ad**4)*chi), matvec=_mv) vals= eigs(T, k=n, v0=None, return_eigenvectors=False) # post-process and return as torch tensor with first and second column # containing real and imaginary parts respectively vals= np.copy(vals[::-1]) # descending order vals= (1.0/np.abs(vals[0])) * vals L= torch.zeros((n,2), dtype=torch.float64, device=state.device) L[:,0]= torch.as_tensor(np.real(vals)) L[:,1]= torch.as_tensor(np.imag(vals)) return L
[docs]def get_EH_spec_Ttensor(n, L, state, env_c4v, verbosity=0): r""" :param n: number of leading eigenvalues of a transfer operator to compute :type n: int :param L: width of the cylinder :type L: int :param state: wavefunction :type state: IPEPS_C4V :param env_c4v: corresponding environment :type env_c4v: ENV_C4V :return: leading n-eigenvalues, returned as `n x 2` tensor with first and second column encoding real and imaginary part respectively. :rtype: torch.Tensor Compute the leading part of spectrum of :math:`exp(EH)`, where `EH` is boundary Hamiltonian. Exact :math:`exp(EH)` is given by the leading eigenvector of a transfer matrix :: ... PBC / | | | --a*-- --A-- --A(0)-- --A-- = /| --A-- --A(1)-- | |/ --A-- ... --a-- | --A(L-1)-- / ... | PBC infinite exact TM; exact TM of L-leg cylinder The :math:`exp(EH)` is then given by reshaping the :math:`(D^2)^L` leading eigenvector of transfer matrix into :math:`D^L \times D^L` operator. We approximate the :math:`exp(EH)` of L-leg cylinder as MPO formed by T-tensors of the CTM environment. Then, the spectrum of this approximate :math:`exp(EH)` is obtained through iterative solver using matrix-vector product:: 0 | __ --T(0)---- --| | --T(1)---- --|v0| ... ...| | --T(L-1)-- --|__| 0(PBC) """ assert L>1,"L must be larger than 1" chi= env_c4v.chi ad= T= env_c4v.get_T().view(chi,chi,ad,ad) def _mv(v0): V= torch.as_tensor(v0,dtype=env_c4v.dtype,device=env_c4v.device) V= V.view([ad]*L) # 0) apply 0th T # # 0 0 L-1+2<-0 # 2--T--3 0--V--1..L-1 -> 2--T--V--3..L-1+2 -> 1<-2--T--V--2..L-1+1 # 1 1 0<-1 V= torch.tensordot(T,V,([3],[0])) V= V.permute([1,2]+list(range(3,L-1+3))+[0]) # 1) apply 1st to L-2th T for i in range(1,L-1): # _ # i<-i-1--T-------|V|--i+1..L-1+1,L-1+2 # i-1<-1-2--T-------| | # ... # 2<-1--T-------| | # 0 | | # 0 | | # 1<-2--T--3 i--|_| # 1->0 # V= torch.tensordot(T,V,([0,3],[0,i+1])) # apply L-1th T # _ # L-1--T-----------|V|--L-1+2 # L-2--T-----------| | # ... # 1--T-----------| | # 0 | | # 0 | | # 0<-2--T--3 L-1+1--|_| # 1 # PBC # V= torch.tensordot(T,V,([0,3,1],[0,L-1+1,L-1+2])) V= V.permute(list(range(L-1,-1,-1))) return V.cpu().numpy() _test_T= torch.zeros(1,dtype=env_c4v.dtype) expEH= LinearOperator((ad**L,ad**L), matvec=_mv, \ dtype="complex128" if _test_T.is_complex() else "float64") vals= eigs(expEH, k=n, v0=None, return_eigenvectors=False) vals= np.copy(vals[::-1]) # descending order vals= (1.0/np.abs(vals[0])) * vals S= torch.zeros((n,2), dtype=torch.float64, device=state.device) S[:,0]= torch.as_tensor(np.real(vals)) S[:,1]= torch.as_tensor(np.imag(vals)) return S