Source code for ctm.generic_abelian.rdm

import logging
import warnings
from tn_interface_abelian import contract, permute, conj
from ctm.generic_abelian.ctm_components import enlarged_corner

log= logging.getLogger('peps.ctm.generic_abelian.rdm')

def _cast_to_real(t, fail_on_check=False, warn_on_check=True, imag_eps=1.0e-8,\
    who="unknown", **kwargs):
    if t.is_complex():
        _t= t.item()
        if abs(_t.imag)/(abs(_t.real)+1.0e-8) > imag_eps:
            if warn_on_check:
                log.warning(f"Unexpected imaginary part "+who+" "+str(t))
            if fail_on_check: 
                raise RuntimeError("Unexpected imaginary part "+who+" "+str(t))
        return t.real()
    return t

def _sym_pos_def_matrix(rdm, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0, who="unknown", **kwargs):
    rdm_asym= 0.5*(rdm-rdm.transpose((1,0)).conj())
    rdm= 0.5*(rdm+rdm.transpose((1,0)).conj())
    if verbosity>0:"{who} norm(rdm_sym) {rdm.norm()} norm(rdm_asym) {rdm_asym.norm()}")
    # if sym_pos_def:
    #     with torch.no_grad():
    #         D, U= torch.symeig(rdm, eigenvectors=True)
    #         if D.min() < 0:
    #   "{who} max(diag(rdm)) {D.max()} min(diag(rdm)) {D.min()}")
    #             D= torch.clamp(D, min=0)
    #             rdm_posdef= U@torch.diag(D)@U.t()
    #             rdm.copy_(rdm_posdef)
    norm= _cast_to_real(rdm.trace(),who=who,**kwargs).to_number()
    rdm = rdm / norm
    return rdm

def _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0, who=None, **kwargs):
    assert rdm.ndim%2==0, "invalid rank of RDM"
    nsites= rdm.ndim//2
    # print(f"{tuple(nsites+i for i in range(nsites))} {tuple(i for i in range(nsites))}")
    rdm= rdm.fuse_legs(axes=(tuple(i for i in range(nsites)),\
        tuple(nsites+i for i in range(nsites))))
    rdm= _sym_pos_def_matrix(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity,\
    rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=(0,1))
    return rdm

def _validate_precomputed(state,env):
    if state.build_dl:
        assert state.sites_dl!=None,"state's member sites_dl is not initialized"
        assert len(state.sites_dl)==len(state.sites),\
            "Inconsistent state.sites and state.sites_dl"

        requires_grad_state= any([ t.requires_grad for t in state.sites.values() ])
        requires_grad_env= any([ t.requires_grad for t in env.C.values()]) \
            or any([ t.requires_grad for t in env.T.values()])
        requires_grad_dl= any( [t.requires_grad for t in state.sites_dl.values()] )
        if requires_grad_state and not requires_grad_dl:
            warnings.warn("state members sites and sites_dl have different requires_grad", Warning)

    if state.build_dl_open:
        assert state.sites_dl_open!=None,"state's member sites_dl_open is not initialized"
        assert len(state.sites_dl_open)==len(state.sites),\
            "Inconsistent state.sites and state.sites_dl_open"

        requires_grad_state= any([ t.requires_grad for t in state.sites.values() ])
        requires_grad_env= any([ t.requires_grad for t in env.C.values()]) \
            or any([ t.requires_grad for t in env.T.values()])
        requires_grad_dl= any( [t.requires_grad for t in state.sites_dl_open.values()] )
        if requires_grad_state and not requires_grad_dl:
            warnings.warn("state members sites and sites_dl_open have different requires_grad", Warning)

    return True

# when grouping indices, environment index always preceeds aux-indices of 
# double-layer on-site tensor

# ----- COMPONENTS ------------------------------------------------------------
def open_C2x2_LU(coord, state, env, fusion_level="full", verbosity=0):
    assert fusion_level in ["full","basic"],"Unsupported fusion_level option "+fusion_level
    r= state.vertexToSite(coord)
    C = env.C[(state.vertexToSite(r),(-1,-1))]
    T1 = env.T[(state.vertexToSite(r),(0,-1))]
    T2 = env.T[(state.vertexToSite(r),(-1,0))]

    # C--10--T1--2
    # 0      1
    c2x2= contract(C, T1, ([1],[0]))

    # C------T1--2->3
    # 0      1->2
    # 0
    # T2--2->1
    # 1->0
    c2x2= contract(T2, c2x2, ([0],[0]))
    if state.build_dl_open and not state.sites_dl_open is None:
        # C----------T1--3->1
        # |          2
        # |          1
        # T2----1 2--A--4
        # |          |\0->2
        # |          3
        # 0 
        A= state.site_dl_open(r)
        c2x2= contract(c2x2, A, ([1,2],[2,1]))
        # C----T--2
        # |    |
        # T---a*a--3
        # |    |\4
        # 0    1
        if fusion_level=="full":
            c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,3),(1,4),2) )
        elif fusion_level=="basic":
            c2x2= c2x2.transpose( axes=(0,3,1,4,2) )
        # C------T1--3->5
        # |      2->3,4
        # |
        # T2--1->1,2
        # 0
        c2x2= c2x2.unfuse_legs(axes=(1,2))
        # C--------T1--5->3
        # |        |\
        # |        3 4->2
        # |        1
        # T2--1 2--a--4->6
        # |\--2    3\0->4
        # 0   ->1  ->5
        c2x2= contract(c2x2, a, ([1,3],[2,1]))
        # C--------T1--3->1
        # |        |\
        # |   2<-4 | 2
        # |       \| 1
        # T2-------a-----6->4
        # |\--1 2----a*--4->7
        # 0        5 |\0->5
        #        ->3 3->6
        c2x2= contract(c2x2, a, ([1,2],[2,1]), conj=(0,1))
        c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs(axes=(0,(3,6),1,(4,7),(2,5)))
        if fusion_level=="full":
            c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs(axes=((0,1),(2,3),4))
        elif fusion_level=="basic":

    return c2x2

[docs]def open_C2x2_LD(coord, state, env, fusion_level="full", verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) for which reduced density matrix is constructed :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param fusion_level: controls fusion of indices of open enlarged corner :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type fusion_level: str :type verbosity: int :return: left-down enlarged corner with open physical indices :rtype: yastn.tensor Computes lower-down enlarged corner centered on vertex ``coord`` by contracting the following tensor network:: s,s' | | / T--a^+a-- | | C--T----- The physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-site tensor :math:`a` at vertex ``coord`` and its hermitian conjugate :math:`a^\dagger` are left uncontracted Depending on `fusion_level`, the resulting tensor is:: rank-3 : fusion_level= 'full' rank-5 : fusion_level= 'basic' 0 /\ 2 (s,s') 0 1 4 (s,s') | | / | | / T--a^+a--\ T--a^+a--3 | | >--1 | | C--T-----/ C--T-----2 """ assert fusion_level in ["full","basic"],"Unsupported fusion_level option "+fusion_level r= state.vertexToSite(coord) # 0 # | # T(-1,0)--2->1 # 1 # 0 # C(-1,1)--1->2 c2x2 = contract(env.T[(r,(-1,0))],env.C[(r,(-1,1))],([1],[0])) if verbosity>0: print("c2x2=TC "+str(c2x2)) # 0 # | # T(-1,0)--1 # | 0->2 # C(-1,1)--2 1--T(0,1)--2->3 c2x2 = contract(c2x2,env.T[(r,(0,1))],([2],[1])) if verbosity>0: print("c2x2=TCT "+str(c2x2)) if state.build_dl_open and not state.sites_dl_open is None: # 0 0->2 # | 3<-1/ # T-----1 2--A--4 # | 3 # | 2 # C----------T--3->1 # A= state.site_dl_open(r) c2x2= contract(c2x2, A, ([1,2],[2,3])) # 0 1 4 # | | / # T----A---3 # | | # C----T---2 if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,3),(1,4),2) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": c2x2= c2x2.transpose( axes=(0,3,1,4,2) ) else: a= # 0 # | # T(-1,0)--1->1,2 # | 2->3,4 # C(-1,1)--2 1--T(0,1)--3->5 c2x2= c2x2.unfuse_legs(axes=(1,2)) # 0 ->1 ->5 0->4 # |/----2 1/ # T-----1 2--a--4->6 # | 3 4->2 # | 3/ # C----------T--5->3 c2x2= contract(c2x2, a, ([1,3],[2,3])) # 0 1->6 # | 3<-5 | 0->5 # | | |/ # |/----1 2----a*----4->7 # T----------a----6->4 # | 2<-4/| 3 # | | 2 # | |/ # C----------T--3->1 c2x2= contract(c2x2, a, ([1,2],[2,3]), conj=(0,1)) c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs(axes=(0,(3,6),1,(4,7),(2,5))) if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,1),(2,3),4) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": pass if verbosity>0: print("c2x2=TCTa*a "+str(c2x2)) return c2x2
def open_C2x2_RU(coord, state, env, fusion_level="full", verbosity=0): assert fusion_level in ["full","basic"],"Unsupported fusion_level option "+fusion_level r= state.vertexToSite(coord) C = env.C[(r,(1,-1))] T1 = env.T[(r,(1,0))] T2 = env.T[(r,(0,-1))] # 0--C # 1 # 0 # 1--T1 # 2 c2x2 =contract(C, T1, ([1],[0])) # 0--T2--2 0--C # 1 | # 2<-1--T1 # 3<-2 c2x2 =contract(T2, c2x2, ([2],[0])) if state.build_dl_open and not state.sites_dl_open is None: # 0--T2------C # 1 | # 2<-0--\1 | # 3<-2--a--4 2--T1 # 4<-3 1<-3 # A= state.site_dl_open(r) c2x2= contract(c2x2,A,([1,2],[1,4])) # 0--T2----C # | | # 1--a*a----T1 # /| | # 4 3 2 if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,3),(1,4),2) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": c2x2= c2x2.transpose( axes=(0,3,1,4,2) ) else: a= # 0--T2--2 0--C # 1,2<-1 | # 3,4<-2--T1 # 5<-3 c2x2= c2x2.unfuse_legs(axes=(1,2)) # 0--T2-------C # /| | # 1<-2 1 0->4 | # 1/ | # 5<-2--a--4 3---T1 # 6<-3 4--/| # ->2 5->3 c2x2= contract(c2x2,a,([1,3],[1,4])) # 0--T2-------C # /| | # 1 | 4->2 | # 1 |/ | # 3<-5----a--------T1 # 6<-2--a*|--4 2--/| # 5<-0/| | | # 7<-3 | | # 4<-6 1<-3 c2x2= contract(c2x2,a,([1,2],[1,4]), conj=(0,1)) c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs(axes=(0,(3,6),1,(4,7),(2,5))) if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,1),(2,3),4) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": pass return c2x2 def open_C2x2_RD(coord, state, env, fusion_level="full", verbosity=0): assert fusion_level in ["full","basic"],"Unsupported fusion_level option "+fusion_level r= state.vertexToSite(coord) C = env.C[(r,(1,1))] T1 = env.T[(r,(0,1))] T2 = env.T[(r,(1,0))] # 1<-0 0 # 2<-1--T1--2 1--C c2x2 = contract(C, T1, ([1],[2])) # 0 # 1--T2 # 2 # 2<-1 0 # 3<-2--T1---C c2x2 = contract(T2, c2x2, ([2],[0])) if state.build_dl_open and not state.sites_dl_open is None: # 3<-1 0 # 4<-2--A--4 1-----T2 # 2<-0/3 | # 2 | # 1<-3--T1---------C # A= state.site_dl_open(r) c2x2= contract(c2x2,A,([1,2],[4,3])) # 4 1 0 # \| | # 3---A----T2 # | | # 2--T1---C if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,3),(1,4),2) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": c2x2= c2x2.transpose( axes=(0,3,1,4,2) ) else: a= # 0 # 1,2<-1--T2 # | # 3,4<-2 | # 5<-3--T1---C c2x2= c2x2.unfuse_legs(axes=(1,2)) # 5<- 1<- 0 # 1 2--\| # 6<-2--a--4 1---T2 # 3\0->4 | # 2<-4 3 | # \| | # 3<-5--T1-------C c2x2= contract(c2x2,a,([1,3],[4,3])) # 6<-1 5->3 # 5<-0\| | 0 # 7<-2--a*|--4 1--\| # 4<-6----a--------T2 # 3 |\4->2 | # 2 | | # \| | # 1<-3--T1-------C c2x2= contract(c2x2,a,([1,2],[4,3]),conj=(0,1)) c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs(axes=(0,(3,6),1,(4,7),(2,5))) if fusion_level=="full": c2x2= c2x2.fuse_legs( axes=((0,1),(2,3),4) ) elif fusion_level=="basic": pass return c2x2 # ----- 1-site RDM ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rdm1x1(coord, state, env, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) for which reduced density matrix is constructed :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type verbosity: int :return: 1-site reduced density matrix with indices :math:`s;s'` :rtype: torch.tensor Computes 1-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{1x1}` centered on vertex ``coord`` by contracting the following tensor network:: C--T-----C | | | T--a^+a--T | | | C--T-----C where the physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-site tensor :math:`A` at vertex ``coord`` and it's hermitian conjugate :math:`A^\dagger` are left uncontracted """ who= "rdm1x1" assert _validate_precomputed(state,env),"Inconsistent requires_grad for state and/or env tensors" r= state.vertexToSite(coord) rdm= open_C2x2_LD(r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) # C(-1,-1)--1 0--T(0,-1)--2 => C---T--2->1(-1) # 0 1 \ / # 0(-1) C2x1_LU= contract(env.C[(r,(-1,-1))], env.T[(r,(0,-1))],([1],[0])) C2x1_LU= C2x1_LU.fuse_legs( axes=((0,1),2) ) # C2x1_LU--1->0 # | # 0 2 # 0__ _/ # | | # |rdm_|--1 <-NOTE: contains both env index and double layer aux-indices) rdm= contract(C2x1_LU, rdm, ([0],[0])) if verbosity>0: print("rdm=CTCTaT "+str(rdm)) # 1<-0 => # 2<-1--T(1,0) 1 # 2 2--T(1,0) # 0 0--< | # 0<-1--C(1,1) 0--C(1,1) E= contract(env.C[(r,(1,1))], env.T[(r,(1,0))], ([0],[2])) E= E.fuse_legs( axes=((0,2),1) ) # 0--C(1,-1) => 0--C # 1 | # 1 1--E # 1<-0--E E= contract(env.C[(r,(1,-1))], E, ([1],[1])) if verbosity>0: print("rdm=CTC "+str(E)) # C(-1,-1)--T(0,-1)---------0 0-----C(1,-1) # | | | # | |/2->0 | # T(-1,0)---a------------\ /--T(1,0) # | | |--1 1--| | # | | | | | # C(-1,1)---T(0,1)-------/ \--C(1,1) rdm = contract(rdm,E,([0,1],[0,1])) # unfuse physical indices into ket,bra: 0 -> s0,s0' rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=0) if verbosity>0: print("rdm=CTCTaTCTC "+str(rdm)) # symmetrize and normalize rdm= _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity, who=who) return rdm
# ----- 2-site RDM ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rdm2x1(coord, state, env, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) specifies position of 2x1 subsystem :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type verbosity: int :return: 2-site reduced density matrix with indices :math:`s_0s_1;s'_0s'_1` :rtype: yastn.tensor Computes 2-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{2x1}` of a horizontal 2x1 subsystem using following strategy: 1. compute four individual corners 2. construct right and left half of the network 3. contract right and left halt to obtain final reduced density matrix :: C--T------------T------------------C = C2x2_LU(coord)--C2x2(coord+(1,0)) | | | | | | T--A^+A(coord)--A^+A(coord+(1,0))--T C2x1_LD(coord)--C2x1(coord+(1,0)) | | | | C--T------------T------------------C The physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-sites tensors :math:`A` (and :math:`A^\dagger`) at vertices ``coord``, ``coord+(1,0)`` are left uncontracted """ who="rdm2x1" assert _validate_precomputed(state,env),"Inconsistent requires_grad for state and/or env tensors" #----- building C2x2_LU ---------------------------------------------------- C2x2_LU= open_C2x2_LU(coord, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 LU {coord} -> f{state.vertexToSite(coord)} (-1,-1): {C2x2_LU}") #----- building C2x1_LD ---------------------------------------------------- C = env.C[(state.vertexToSite(coord),(-1,1))] T2 = env.T[(state.vertexToSite(coord),(0,1))] # 0(+1) # 0 0->1 / \ # C--1 1--T2--2 => C---T--2->1 C2x1_LD= contract(C, T2, ([1],[1])) C2x1_LD= C2x1_LD.fuse_legs(axes=((0,1),2)) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X1 LD {coord} -> {state.vertexToSite(coord)} (-1,1): {C2x1_LD}") #----- build left part C2x2_LU--C2x1_LD ------------------------------------ # C2x2_LU--1 # |\2 # 0 # 0 # C2x1_LD--1->0 left_half= contract(C2x1_LD, C2x2_LU, ([0],[0])) #----- building C2x2_RU ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (1,0) shift_r = state.vertexToSite((coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])) C2x2_RU= open_C2x2_RU(shift_r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 RU {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ f"(1,-1): {C2x2_RU}") #----- building C2x1_RD ---------------------------------------------------- C = env.C[(shift_r,(1,1))] T1 = env.T[(shift_r,(0,1))] # 0(+1) # 1<-0 0 / \ # 2<-1--T1--2 1--C => 1<-2--T1--C C2x1_RD= contract(C, T1, ([1],[2])) C2x1_RD= C2x1_RD.fuse_legs(axes=((0,1),2)) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X1 RD {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shitf_coord} "\ +f"(1,1): {C2x1_RD}") #----- build right part C2x2_RU--C2x1_RD ----------------------------------- # 1<-0--C2x2_RU # |\2 # 1 # 0 # 0<-1--C2x1_RD right_half =contract(C2x1_RD, C2x2_RU, ([0],[1])) # construct reduced density matrix by contracting left and right halfs # C2x2_LU--1 1----C2x2_RU # |\2->0 |\2->1 # | | # C2x1_LD--0 0----C2x1_RD rdm =contract(left_half,right_half,([0,1],[0,1])) # unfuse physical indices into ket,bra: 01 -> s0,s0',s1,s1' # permute into order of s0,s1;s0',s1' # 0123->0213 rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=(0,1)) rdm= permute(rdm, (0,2,1,3)) # symmetrize and normalize rdm= _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity,\ who=who) return rdm
[docs]def rdm1x2(coord, state, env, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) specifies position of 1x2 subsystem :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type verbosity: int :return: 2-site reduced density matrix with indices :math:`s_0s_1;s'_0s'_1` :rtype: yastn.tensor Computes 2-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{1x2}` of a vertical 1x2 subsystem using following strategy: 1. compute four individual corners 2. construct upper and lower half of the network 3. contract upper and lower halt to obtain final reduced density matrix :: C--T------------------C = C2x2_LU(coord)--------C1x2(coord) | | | | | T--A^+A(coord)--------T C2x2_LD(coord+(0,1))--C1x2(coord+0,1)) | | | T--A^+A(coord+(0,1))--T | | | C--T------------------C The physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-sites tensors :math:`A` (and :math:`A^\dagger`) at vertices ``coord``, ``coord+(0,1)`` are left uncontracted """ who="rdm1x2" assert _validate_precomputed(state,env),"Inconsistent requires_grad for state and/or env tensors" #----- building C2x2_LU ---------------------------------------------------- C2x2_LU= open_C2x2_LU(coord, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) # C2x2_LU= _group_legs_C2x2_LU(C2x2_LU) # C2x2_LU--1 # | \2,3 # 0 if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 LU {coord} -> {state.vertexToSite(coord)} (-1,-1): {C2x2_LU}") #----- building C1x2_RU ---------------------------------------------------- C = env.C[(state.vertexToSite(coord),(1,-1))] T1 = env.T[(state.vertexToSite(coord),(1,0))] # 0--C => 0--C # 1 (+1)0--< | # 0 1--T1 # 1--T1 1<-2 # 2 C1x2_RU= contract(C, T1, ([1],[0])) C1x2_RU= C1x2_RU.fuse_legs(axes=((0,1),2)) if verbosity>0: print(f"C1X2 RU {coord} -> {state.vertexToSite(coord)} (1,-1): {C1x2_RU}") #----- build upper part C2x2_LU--C1x2_RU ----------------------------------- # C2x2_LU--1 0--C1x2_RU # |\2 | # 0->1 1->0 upper_half =contract(C1x2_RU, C2x2_LU, ([0],[1])) #----- building C2x2_LD ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (0,1) shift_r = state.vertexToSite((coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])) C2x2_LD= open_C2x2_LD(shift_r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 LD {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ +f"(-1,1): {C2x2_LD}") #----- building C2x2_RD ---------------------------------------------------- C = env.C[(shift_r,(1,1))] T2 = env.T[(shift_r,(1,0))] # 0 => # 1--T2 (+1)0 # 2 2<-1--T2 # 0 (+1)1--< | # 2<-1--C 1<-2--C C1x2_RD= contract(T2, C, ([2],[0])) C1x2_RD= C1x2_RD.fuse_legs(axes=(0,(2,1))) if verbosity>0: print(f"C1X2 RD {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ +f"(1,1): {C1x2_RD}") #----- build lower part C2x2_LD--C1x2_RD ----------------------------------- # 0->1(+1) 0 # |/2 | # C2x2_LD--1 1--C1x2_RD lower_half =contract(C1x2_RD, C2x2_LD, ([1],[1])) # construct reduced density matrix by contracting lower and upper halfs # C2x2_LU------C1x2_RU # |\2->0 | # 1 0 # 1 0 # |/2->1 | # C2x2_LD------C1x2_RD rdm =contract(upper_half,lower_half,([0,1],[0,1])) # unfuse physical indices into ket,bra: 01 -> s0,s0',s1,s1' # permute into order of s0,s1;s0',s1' # 0123->0213 rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=(0,1)) rdm= permute(rdm, (0,2,1,3)) # symmetrize and normalize rdm= _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity,\ who=who) return rdm
[docs]def rdm2x2_NNN_1n1(coord, state, env, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) specifies upper left site of 2x2 subsystem :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type verbosity: int :return: 2-site reduced density matrix with indices :math:`s_0s_1;s'_0s'_1` :rtype: torch.tensor Computes 2-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{NNN,1n1}` of two-site subsystem across (1,-1) diagonal specified by the vertex ``coord`` of its lower left corner using strategy: 1. compute four individual corners 2. construct upper and lower half of the network 3. contract upper and lower half to obtain final reduced density matrix :: C--T------------------T------------------C = C2x2_LU(coord+(0,-1))-C2x2(coord+(1,-1)) | | | | | | T--A^+A(coord+(0,-1))-A^+A(coord+(1,-1))-T C2x2_LD(coord)--------C2x2(coord+(1,0)) | | | | T--A^+A(coord)--------A^+A(coord+(1,0))--T | | | | C--T------------------T------------------C The physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-sites tensors :math:`A` (and :math:`A^\dagger`) at vertices ``coord`` and ``coord+(1,-1)`` are left uncontracted and given in the same order:: x s1 s0 x """ who = "rdm2x2_NNN_1n1" assert _validate_precomputed(state,env),"Inconsistent requires_grad for state and/or env tensors" # ----- building C2X2_LU ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (0, -1) shift_coord = state.vertexToSite((coord[0] + vec[0], coord[1] + vec[1])) C2X2_LU= enlarged_corner(shift_coord,state,env,'LU',verbosity=verbosity) # ----- building C2x2_RU ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (1, -1) shift_coord = state.vertexToSite((coord[0] + vec[0], coord[1] + vec[1])) C2X2_RU= open_C2x2_RU(shift_coord, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) # ----- build upper part C2x2_LU--C2X2_RU ----------------------------------- # C2x2_LU--1 0--C2X2_RU # | |\2 # 0 1 # TODO is it worthy(performance-wise) to instead overwrite one of C2x2_LU,C2X2_RU ? upper_half = contract(C2X2_LU, C2X2_RU, ([1], [0])) # ----- building C2X2_RD ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (1, 0) shift_coord = state.vertexToSite((coord[0] + vec[0], coord[1] + vec[1])) C2X2_RD= enlarged_corner(shift_coord,state,env,'RD',verbosity=verbosity) # ----- building C2X2_LD ---------------------------------------------------- C2X2_LD= open_C2x2_LD(coord,state,env,verbosity=verbosity) # ----- build lower part C2X2_LD--C2X2_RD ----------------------------------- # 0 0->2 0 2->1 # |/2->1 | & permute |/1->2 | # C2X2_LD--1 1--C2X2_RD C2X2_LD------C2X2_RD # TODO is it worthy(performance-wise) to instead overwrite one of C2X2_LD,C2X2_RD ? lower_half = contract(C2X2_LD, C2X2_RD, ([1], [1])) lower_half = permute(lower_half, (0, 2, 1)) # construct reduced density matrix by contracting lower and upper halfs # C2X2_LU------C2X2_RU # | |\2->1 # 0 1 # 0 1 # |/2->0 | # C2X2_LD------C2X2_RD rdm = contract(lower_half, upper_half, ([0, 1], [0, 1])) # permute into order of s0,s1;s0',s1' where primed indices # represent "ket" # 0123->0213 # symmetrize and normalize rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=(0,1)) rdm= permute(rdm, (0,2,1,3)) rdm = _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity, who=who) return rdm
# ----- 2x2-cluster RDM -------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def rdm2x2(coord, state, env, sym_pos_def=False, verbosity=0): r""" :param coord: vertex (x,y) specifies upper left site of 2x2 subsystem :param state: underlying wavefunction :param env: environment corresponding to ``state`` :param verbosity: logging verbosity :type coord: tuple(int,int) :type state: IPEPS_ABELIAN :type env: ENV_ABELIAN :type verbosity: int :return: 4-site reduced density matrix with indices :math:`s_0s_1s_2s_3;s'_0s'_1s'_2s'_3` :rtype: yastn.tensor Computes 4-site reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{2x2}` of 2x2 subsystem specified by the vertex ``coord`` of its upper left corner using strategy: 1. compute four individual corners 2. construct upper and lower half of the network 3. contract upper and lower half to obtain final reduced density matrix :: C--T------------------T------------------C = C2x2_LU(coord)--------C2x2(coord+(1,0)) | | | | | | T--a^+a(coord)--------a^+a(coord+(1,0))--T C2x2_LD(coord+(0,1))--C2x2(coord+(1,1)) | | | | T--a^+a(coord+(0,1))--a^+a(coord+(1,1))--T | | | | C--T------------------T------------------C The physical indices `s` and `s'` of on-sites tensors :math:`A` (and :math:`A^\dagger`) at vertices ``coord``, ``coord+(1,0)``, ``coord+(0,1)``, and ``coord+(1,1)`` are left uncontracted and given in the same order:: s0 s1 s2 s3 """ who= "rdm2x2" assert _validate_precomputed(state,env),"Inconsistent requires_grad for state and/or env tensors" #----- building C2x2_LU ---------------------------------------------------- C2x2_LU= open_C2x2_LU(coord, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 LU {coord} -> {state.vertexToSite(coord)} (-1,-1):\n{C2x2_LU}") #----- building C2x2_RU ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (1,0) shift_r = state.vertexToSite((coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])) C2x2_RU= open_C2x2_RU(shift_r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 RU {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ f"(1,-1):\n{C2x2_RU}") #----- build upper part C2x2_LU--C2x2_RU ----------------------------------- # C2x2_LU--1 0--C2x2_RU # |\2->1 |\2->3 # 0 1->2 upper_half = contract(C2x2_LU, C2x2_RU, ([1],[0])) #----- building C2x2_RD ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (1,1) shift_r = state.vertexToSite((coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])) C2x2_RD= open_C2x2_RD(shift_r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) # 0 # |/2 # 1--C2x2 if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 RD {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ +f"(1,1):\n{C2x2_RD}") #----- building C2x2_LD ---------------------------------------------------- vec = (0,1) shift_r = state.vertexToSite((coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])) C2x2_LD= open_C2x2_LD(shift_r, state, env, verbosity=verbosity) if verbosity>0: print(f"C2X2 LD {(coord[0]+vec[0],coord[1]+vec[1])} -> {shift_r} "\ +f"(-1,1): {C2x2_LD}") #----- build lower part C2x2_LD--C2x2_RD ----------------------------------- # 0 0->2 # |/2->1 |/2->3 # C2x2_LD--1 1--C2x2_RD lower_half = contract(C2x2_LD, C2x2_RD, ([1],[1])) # construct reduced density matrix by contracting lower and upper halfs # C2x2_LU------C2x2_RU # | \1->0 | \3->1 # 0 2 # 0 2 # | /1->2 | /3 # C2x2_LD------C2x2_RD rdm = contract(upper_half,lower_half,([0,2],[0,2])) # unfuse physical indices into ket,bra: 0123 -> s0,s0',s1,s1',s2,s2',s3,s3' # permute into order of s0,s1,s2,s3;s0',s1',s2',s3' # 01234567->02461357 rdm= rdm.unfuse_legs(axes=(0,1,2,3)) rdm= permute(rdm, (0,2,4,6,1,3,5,7)) # symmetrize and normalize rdm= _sym_pos_def_rdm(rdm, sym_pos_def=sym_pos_def, verbosity=verbosity, who=who) return rdm